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Tuesday, 18 June 2019

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We're setting up for a typical 70's July and August 

Ontario-geofish [23:52:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (73 visits) info
This is what they used to call a 'Beta Block'.  A zone of dead air over North America.  You can see that the ocean plumes are grinding to a halt.  This will give us a nice extreme July that the warmies will be salivating over.  Before air conditioning became common, we used to sleep in the basement for this weather. Lots of people will die of overheating.  They could have had air


ARCHEA [21:21:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (43 visits) info
Sockeye Salmon / Oncorhynchus nerka In the southern Interior, ice built up first in the northern Selkirk Mountains, then slowly flowed down into the valleys. Once the valleys were filled, the depth of the ice increased until it began to climb to the highlands and finally covered most of the Interior of British Columbia.Between ice advances, there were times when the Kamloops area was ice free and the climate warm and hospitable.Glacial ice was believed to have initiated its most recent [...]

Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences – National Association of Geoscience Teachers’ Traveling Workshop Program 

Speaking of Geoscience [19:58:18]  recommend  recommend this post  (160 visits) info
By Joshua Villalobos, Dean of Instructional Programs and Mission del Paso Campus Dean, El Paso Community College On April 10-12 the University of Illinois at Chicago and the National Association of [...]

The sociopaths have taken over the asylum 

James’ Empty Blog [13:06:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (63 visits) info
Just in case anyone was in any doubt about the nature of the swivel-eyed loons who will shortly be picking our new

Sorting, naming and putting rocks into the rock cycle 

Earth Learning Idea [11:17:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (96 visits) info
Today's new ELI is "From ‘Rock detective’ to ‘Laying out the rock cycle’: investigate rocks to sort them into groups, add them to the rock cycle and name them" This activity uses sorting [...]

China: Erdbeben Mw 5,9 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [11:03:42]  recommend  recommend this post  (103 visits) info
Gestern gab es ein schweres Erdbeben der Magnitude 5,9 (EMSC), welches die Provinz Sichuan erschütterte. Das Hypozentrum lag in 10 km Tiefe, das Epizentrum befand sich nahe der Stadt Yibin. Es wurden [...]


ARCHEA [08:57:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (59 visits) info
Seafood Bounty / Haida Gwaii, British Columbia “When the tide is out, the table is set.” This wisdom from those who call Haida Gwaii home is still true today. The enormous difference between high and [...]

The Global Fatal Landslide Database: full dataset now online 

The Landslide Blog [07:59:13]  recommend  recommend this post  (102 visits) info
We have now posted the full Global Fatal Landslide Database online. This new version adds a further year of data, covering 2004 to 2017 inclusive. The post The Global Fatal Landslide Database: full dataset [...]

Geoscience Machine Learning bits and bobs – introduction 

MyCarta [04:37:55]  recommend  recommend this post  (29 visits) info
Bits and what? After wetting (hopefully) your appetite with the Machine Learning quiz / teaser I am now moving on to a series of posts that I decided to title “Geoscience Machine Learning bits and bobs”. [...]

LINZ tutorial: From points to pixels — creating digital elevation models from OpenTopography point clouds 

OpenTopography Blog [00:27:21]  recommend  recommend this post  (85 visits) info
OpenTopography is collaborating with Land Information New Zealand to make 3D point cloud lidar data in New Zealand available for download, processing, and visualization. LIdar-derived DEM and DSM raster [...]

Citizen Scientists Can Help Predict and Prepare for Disasters 

State of the Planet [16:25:22]  recommend  recommend this post  (44 visits) info
A recent study finds that you don't need to be an expert to gather information that aids disaster prediction and

100 years of female Fellows: Margaret Crosfield 

Geological Society of London blog [11:31:16]  recommend  recommend this post  (526 visits) info
2019 marks 100 years since women were able to be elected as Fellows of the Geological Society, with the first eight elected in May 1919. They came from a diverse range of specialisms, backgrounds and [...]

Stromausfall in Südamerika und eine Anomalie des Erdmagnetfeldes 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [11:12:34]  recommend  recommend this post  (119 visits) info
Am Sonntag gab es einen noch nie dagewesenen Blackout in großen Teilen des südamerikanischen Stromnetzes:  In ganz Uruguay und in weiten Teilen von  Argentinien, Brasilien, Chile und Paraguay kam es zu [...]

Kaggle Days Two – Googling in San Francisco 

The Way of the Geophysicist [10:24:07]  recommend  recommend this post  (59 visits) info
Have you met our Lord and Saviour AutoML? Day two of the Kaggle Days was, what it had to be, a competition. Very interesting to be in a room with Grandmasters, Pros and then there’s me. But the real [...]

Reimaginando el universo de Jurassic Park con David Romero 

Koprolitos [08:39:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (156 visits) info
David Romero es un artista de San Antonio (Texas, Estados Unidos), actualmente afincado en Filadelfia, que estudió animación en la University of the Arts de esta última ciudad. Especializado en [...]

Geoscience Machine Learning bits and bobs – introduction 

MyCarta [04:37:55]  recommend  recommend this post  (690 visits) info
Bits and what? After wetting (hopefully) your appetite with the Machine Learning quiz / teaser I am now moving on to a series of posts that I decided to title

Popocatepetl eruptiert hohe Aschewolken 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [01:12:18]  recommend  recommend this post  (272 visits) info
Heute steht der Popocatepetl in Mexiko erneut in den Schlagzeilen, weil er gestern 2 Aschewolken erzeugte, die bis in einer Höhe von 10.700 m über dem Meeresspiegel aufgestiegen sind. CENAPRED berichtete [...] | Impressum