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Monday, 09 September 2019

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Breibart Hot Air 

Ontario-geofish [23:16:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (569 visits) info
Reference This was funny, but I wrote in the comments that they were lazy and should do something.  I proposed a big contest sponsored by the dead billies that someone measure the exact value of the 'carbon constant',  Prize 3 million to an accredited atmospheric physics lab.  Since the warmies killed all these guys, I am expecting new growth. ps.  a guy came back and said the physics

Vampirella: La invasión de los lápices hispanos (y II) 

Koprolitos [09:38:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (493 visits) info
Paranoia (1972, García) En el número #21 (1972), el compañero de aventuras de Vampi [1], Luis García [2] (1946), dibuja una “Paranoia” –escribe Steve Skeates- que lleva al protagonista a la prehistoria, junto a cavernícolas y dinosaurios. El trazo hiperrealista de García deslumbró a toda una generación. Formó el grupo Premiá 3 con Carlos Giménez y Adolfo Usero, en un chalet de Premiá de Mar, y luego vivió en una comuna en Cadaqués con Ventura y Nieto. Impulsó el boom del [...]

Rental Rate Increases Go into Effect for State of Alaska Mining Claims, Leasehold Locations, Prospecting Sites, and Mining Leases 

Mineral Law Blog [17:45:37]  recommend  recommend this post  (294 visits) info
New rental rates are now in effect for state mining claims, leasehold locations, prospecting sites, and mining leases in Alaska. The new rental rates became effective on August 30, 2019, and thus are [...]

From the North Sea Lowlands to the Celtic Shelf Edge 

Deutsche Quartärvereinigung [09:51:24]  recommend  recommend this post  (203 visits) info
Submission of abstracts is still possible for the conference "From the North Sea Lowlands to the Celtic Shelf Edge" from 18-20 November 2019 in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Abstract deadline is [...]

Turning Carbon Dioxide into Fuel 

Ontario-geofish [19:34:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (102 visits) info
50 foot pine tree threatening the cottage.  I am a 'tree whisperer' so I can drop it to within an inch. ps.  beautiful white oak

Fossils from Waterway Protection Tunnel Project - Louisville, Kentucky 

Louisville Area Fossils [10:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (74 visits) info
The Kentucky Science Center has an interactive display for the Metro Sewer District (MSD) Waterway Protection Tunnel project. This project is a 4 mile (6.43 km) tunnel 200 feet (60.96 m) under the city to [...]

The impact of the 2017 Mocoa debris flows 

The Landslide Blog [08:32:37]  recommend  recommend this post  (44 visits) info
A new study of the 2017 Mocoa debris flows in Colombia (Prada-Sarmiento et al. 2019) indicates that the area had suffered 11 previous events in the 70 years prior to the

Ätna: strombolianische Eruptionen 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [09:26:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (228 visits) info
Am Ätna gibt es eine neu Phase mit erhöhten Tremor. Gestern Abend stieg das Bodenzittern sehr schnell an und übertrumpfte den Spitzenwert vom Vortag. Heute Morgen ist er weiter hoch und könnte sogar noch [...]

Thirty-third annual report of the Wooster Earth Sciences Department now available 

Wooster Geologists [17:16:40]  recommend  recommend this post  (147 visits) info
Thank you to Patrice Reeder for her epic work on this report, from its design and art to content. Click away and

Is New York Ready for the Next Superstorm? 

State of the Planet [14:23:11]  recommend  recommend this post  (84 visits) info
For New York City climate resistance is not an option, but a matter of municipal

¡¡La vuelta al cole con Somosaguas 2019!! 

Investigación GeoPaleoBiológica en Somosaguas [22:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (46 visits) info
Comienzan los cursos escolares y universitarios y nosotros, como buenos miembros de la academia, comenzamos nuestras excavaciones en el yacimiento paleontológico de Somosaguas. Y este año ésta es la novedad [...]


ARCHEA [06:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (41 visits) info
Nootka Sound, Photo: Dan Bowen Rugged West Coast VIPS Fossil Field Trip to Late Eocene - Early Oligocene, Hesquiat formation of Nootka Island, west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The [...] | Impressum