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Saturday, 27 May 2023

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Do you storyboard your visuals? 

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week [02:26:38]  recommend  recommend this post  (58 visits) info
This is one of those things I’ve always done, that I’ve never thought to ask if others did. When you’re putting together a talk, or making a complicated figure, do you storyboard it first with a pen or pencil? I usually do, and have done since I started way back when. I remember storyboarding my

Wait … What?  A Potentially Dangerous Development in § 105(c) Retaliation Cases 

Mineral Law Blog [01:43:58]  recommend  recommend this post  (25 visits) info
In my last column I talked about a coming shift in the analysis the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission will use when it considers retaliation cases brought by the Secretary of Labor or by miners under § 105(c) of the Mine Act.  For those of you that came in late, here’s the deal: ... The post Wait … What?  A Potentially Dangerous Development in § 105(c) Retaliation Cases appeared first on Mineral Law. | Impressum