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Tuesday, 06 June 2023

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Biologische Abfallbehandlung von Asbest? 

Mente et Malleo [22:17:46]  recommend  recommend this post  (215 visits) info
Asbest hat den ganzen Weg von der ehemaligen Wunderfaser hin zum gefürchteten Gefahrstoff zurückgelegt. Mittlerweile ist die Faser, zumindest hier in der Bundesrepublik ja auch seit mehr al 30 Jahren verboten und soll in der … Der Beitrag Biologische Abfallbehandlung von Asbest? erschien zuerst auf Mente et Malleo.

Alumni Spotlight: Jonathan Rubin Takes Vertical Farming to New Heights 

State of the Planet [18:33:43]  recommend  recommend this post  (196 visits) info
In 2021, Rubin launched Fresh Florida Farms, which grows non-GMO hydroponic lettuce, microgreens, sprouts, herbs, and other leafy greens in Boca

Smoke puts a damper on the cottage 

Ontario-geofish [16:31:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (39 visits) info
 You can see the smoke plumes can get pretty heavy.  If you are caught in one, it's like a heavy fog.  Just the general smoke is enough to cut out the sunlight.  I don't bother to go to the cottage if it [...]

The Ordovician Bioclaustration Revolution: A new paper 

Wooster Geologists [14:08:47]  recommend  recommend this post  (29 visits) info
Bioclaustration is the process by which an organism is embedded within the growing skeleton of another. Bioclaustrations are fascinating in the fossil record because they give direct information about how two [...]

Viajando al pasado con Irena Dem 

Koprolitos [08:39:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (90 visits) info
En el "Viajando al pasado con..." de hoy conocemos a Irena Dem, artista, ilustradora y diseñadora gráfica de Israel. Echando un ojo a su galería podemos ver que los félidos son bastante recurrentes [...]

Ice chart makes a big change 

Ontario-geofish [00:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (30 visits) info
 We had fun with this chart, which I introduced on warmyland.  The press went nuts.Now, I have a quote from noaa saying that this chart is only 60 to 60, and has no meaning.So, we have this chart.This has [...]

Stellenausschreibung im Fachbereich der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) 

Deutsche Quartärvereinigung [14:38:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (225 visits) info
Im Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie im Fachbereich 14 (Geowissenschaften) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) ist zum 01.10.2023 die Stelle als Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in [...]

Shake tables are still a big thing 

Ontario-geofish [13:31:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (30 visits) info
 This is neat, but a totally useless demonstration.  What was the PGV?  Probably below 20 cm/s, where nothing is every damaged.  Damage comes from a high pgv pulse of 40 cm/s or over.  I've been railing [...]

Join Us on June 10 to Celebrate World Fish Migration Day on the Hudson Estuary 

State of the Planet [04:11:20]  recommend  recommend this post  (52 visits) info
As winter turns to spring each year, the slight warming of the water, the subtle lengthening of the daylight, and simple biologic triggers can send an assortment of saltwater fish inland to | Impressum