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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Monday, 10 June 2024
Look carefully. This is what I expect this winter, or next, etc. This is what happened over Asia last winter, and the one before that. I am quite convinced that the channel is random, and it has some persistence once it starts. Of course, the UK has it's fine baby stories of the jet stream doing all this, and I'm glad it makes people happy. There is
Bei der Gefährdungsbeurteilung im Umgang mit asbesthaltigen Materialien spielt zumindest in Deutschland die Einteilung in „festgebundene“ und „schwach gebundene“ asbesthaltige Produkte eine wichtige Rolle. Diese Einteilung erfolgt jedoch nicht unbedingt nach dem Faserfreisetzungspotential, wie man …
Der Beitrag Asbesthaltige bauchemische Produkte – Welches Risiko besteht bei der Bearbeitung? erschien zuerst auf Mente et Malleo.
"An Oak, whose leaves are as large, and which bears such large fruits, is well suited to attract the attention of lovers of foreign cultures, and to find a place in the parks and gardens of a large [...]
Although we are freezing up at the cottage, it is fun that all the clange trials are starting, just as the world temperature goes into an ice cycle freefall. ps. in the [...]
Stemec suntokum, Sooke FormationThe diving bird you see here is Stemec suntokum, a Fossil Plopterid from Sooke, British Columbia, Canada.We all dream of finding new species, and new fossil species in [...]
Si te animaste con nuestros posts y te hiciste los tattoos jurásicos y un buen corte de pelo dinosauriano... ¡completa tu outfit con unas uñas de verdadera lagarta mesozoica! No te van a dejar entrar en [...]
Leona Heights was very different from today at the turn of the last century, though it was still called by that name. “Leona Heights” was a real-estate project that extended into the secluded grassy valley [...]
The new ELI today is another in our 'Picturing landforms' series, 'Picturing Landforms – 4: Mass Movement A; visualise and draw landforms from a verbal description'.This ELI enhances pupils’ [...]
Da ieri, è disponibile il mio nuovo libro: RICOSTRUIRE I DINOSAURI: La scienza che dà un volto ai fossili.I dinosauri sono le più celebri creature del passato. Popolarissimi, grazie a documentari, [...]
Aioloceras besairiei (Collingnon, 1949)
A stunning example of the internal suturing with calcite infill in this sliced Aioloceras besairiei (Collingnon, 1949) ammonite from the Upper [...]