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Alaska Volcano Bogoslof Pops

AVO has reported (so far) two POWERFUL eruptions from a remote Aleutian volcano, Bogoslof. Bogoslof Island has had many historical eruptions, but is quite remote. Today, pilot reports came in detailing a brief (about 30 minute) long eruption, which produced a high ash column of about 34,000 feet. A second eruption (which has just occurred) has produced another ash column of 35,000 feet. Not small eruptions for any stratovolcano.

Post from AVO showing Satellite imagery of the eruption of Bogoslof.
Bogoslof is the emergent summit (and remnants of multiple domes and peaks) of a large submarine volcano. It is a bit unique for an Aleutian volcano since it rests about 30 miles North of where you'd expect an Aleutian volcano to sit.

Google Earth image of Bogoslof pre-Dec 2016 eruption.
At this time it is unknown what effect the eruption has had on the islands morphology, as many different types of eruptions have occurred here, each leaving a distinct remnant which is typically swiftly eroded (as many oceanic volcanic islands are).

I will continue to update this post with further developments. | Impressum