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A Capella Science - More Than Birds

A Capella Science es un proyecto del físico canadiense Tim Blais en el que aúna su pasión por la ciencia con el interés que siempre ha despertado la música en él. Así, inspirado en Weird Al Yankovic, Bill Nye, Mike Tompkins o Vi Hart comenzó a componer canciones paródicas a capella con temática científica. En gran parte, sus letras tratan de física, pero hace unos días estrenó una canción en la que habla de por qué los pájaros son dinosaurios. La dejamos a continuación:

La letra de la canción es la siguiente:
Pigeons and doves coo  They're not two birds but one from a deeper view  With life that always holds true  One descent but if you only knew  How clearly  Gulls and geese have had their roots revealed 
More than birds  The fossils have the clues to make it real  By the mid-Jurassic they had warm bodies  And hollow airy bones 
What would you do  If raptors grew wings and flew  More than birds the stones reveal  Archaeopteryx is real  What would you say  If I told you birds convey  More than eggs and tasty stew  They're a strain of dino too 
More than birds 
How could life give rise to  Cockatoos from such a monstrous plan  Selection pressure substitutes their  Jumps for glides  To powered flight it tends  Adapting or T-Rex's feathers and wishbone 
More than birds  By oviraptor's breeding can be shown  Cause like birds they laid their eggs sequentially  And sat on them to grow 
What would you do  If you died while stuck in goo?  More than birds in amber sealed  Dino plumage is revealed  What would you say  If our rooks and birds of prey  Are the ancient kings made new  Cause they're avian dinos too 
More than birds | Impressum