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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

Lochaber Geopark

Lochaber Geopark The following email has come my way. It is well worth reading. All Geoparks deserve our support!!!

Their Geotours look particularly interesting. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the huge variety of tours available.

I am going on a geotour to the North West Highlands Geopark shortly. I have not been involved in the organisation but I am told that the support by the Geopark has been excellent. I assume that Lochaber will be similarly good.

To Whom It May Concern:
Lochaber Geopark is a geological charity in the West Highlands of Scotland, founded in 2004. We have received funding from the Scottish Government and Highland Council on a generally declining scale up to the present. Recently they have made it clear that to survive we must become self-financing. We have developed retail sales in our visitor centres and are developing an ambitious programme of field excursions – ‘Geotours’ – for which we will charge. They can be tailored for the level of geological knowledge of the participants, and all will be led by local graduate geologists. We would like to request your help in promoting our Geotours, by making your members aware of our programme by visiting We also have an expanding membership scheme for individuals and families which can be reached at For more general information email: Background information about our outstanding geology and scenery, our visitor centres and our outdoor interpretation is given below or can be found on our website: We would very much appreciate your help in promoting our enterprise. Please continue to read this e-mail for more information on the Geopark and the Geotours we have on offer.
Yours sincerely,
Isla Mackay Geotours and membership organizer and tour guide (B.Sc Geology, Edinburgh University) | Impressum