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Wednesday, 16 October 2019

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Its Really Been That Long? 30th Anniversary of the Loma Prieta Earthquake on Thursday 

Geotripper [06:09:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (481 visits) info
It's Earth Science Week, and "Geoscience is for Everyone" is the theme for this year. Geoscience IS for everyone, because geology dominates the lives of everyone. No one can escape it, for better or worse. Better, when we find inspiration in the awesome forces that have made our planet, and worse for the geologic hazards that exist everywhere on the planet in one form or another. Here

Cycle for Science: Glacier Edition Completes Its Circuit 

State of the Planet [16:48:09]  recommend  recommend this post  (214 visits) info
Wrapping up a week-long bicycle trip that has brought climate science to underprivileged

The Secret Life of Trees 

State of the Planet [14:30:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (194 visits) info
Kevin Griffin uses remote sensing to track the daily rhythms of trees. His work is helping to bring tree biology to life for students and the general

La prehistoria tridimensional de Kerim Mušanović 

Koprolitos [13:59:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (158 visits) info
Kerim Mušanović es un artista de Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) que empezó a dibujar siendo muy joven. Hace casi una década se interesó por el arte callejero en tres dimensiones y se graduó en la [...]

Philippinen: Erdbeben Mw 6,3 

Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog [22:17:42]  recommend  recommend this post  (126 visits) info
Auf den Philippinen bebte heute die Erde mit einer Magnitude von 6,3. Das Hypozentrum lag in 10 km Tiefe. Das Epizentrum lag auf der Insel Mindanao, 12 km südwestlich des Ortes Bual. Ein 7 jähriges Mädchen [...]

Ocean current report - Oct 16, 2019 

Ontario-geofish [20:08:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (99 visits) info
I thought I might as well do these again.  Not much has been happening.  Remember, a single one of these reports doesn't do much.  What you want is to see the patterns shifting.  The past exciting stuff [...]

Titanosaurios de la Península Ibérica en las VIII Jornadas de Salas de los Infantes 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [09:56:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (181 visits) info
Hace algunas semanas se presentó en las VIII Jornadas Internacionales sobre Paleontología de Dinosaurios y su entorno, en Salas de los Infantes (Burgos, España), una comunicación oral que propone una [...]

Listening to Etna 

Geology in the West Country [16:32:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (126 visits) info
An Ear for Etna THIS ARTICLE tells us about a promising method of quickly measuring the size of an eruption and forecasting how dangerous it might be. A more detailed version is available HERE


ARCHEA [22:38:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (106 visits) info
Fossil Hill, West Humboldt Mountains, Nevada. Perhaps the most famous and important locality for the Middle Triassic (Anisian/Ladinian) of North America. These beautiful hills are home to Triassic ammonoid [...]

OUGS Wessex Newsletter 

Geology in the West Country [16:40:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (96 visits) info
OUGS Wessex Newsletter - Footnotes The October edition of the very well produced Newsletter of the OUGS Wessex Branch is available for download HERE. Or you can read it on this page. | Impressum