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Wednesday, 24 November 2021

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Great Barrier Reef Happy, along with Arctic Ice Volume 

Ontario-geofish [21:19:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (27 visits) info
 One by one, all the 'poster children' of the warmies die a horrible death from death.  They are living and happy!A huge spawning event on the reef, and the polar bears are also happy.  The Arctic ice volume hits a new record for the recent era.  Do you hear anybody mentioning that?  Somebody in the comments mentioned the career death of one reef expert, who said there is no climate change

Geology of the Salt Lake Valley 

The Geology P.A.G.E. [17:55:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (99 visits) info
One of the things I wanted to do before I moved from Utah was to get a nice panoramic picture of the Salt Lake Valley from above Salt Lake City. Here is a shot of the Salt Lake Valley looking south (so east is left and west is right). In the picture the Wasatch Mountains are on the left side of the valley and the Oquirrh Mountains are on the right side of the photo.   The reason for this, besides just being a beautiful valley, was the geological setting of the valley. The Salt Lake Valley [...]

New nuclear to cost 12 times old nuclear 

Ontario-geofish [17:36:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (28 visits) info
 That's per watt of output.ReferenceShould be 1 billion, now put up to 4 billion, but I predict 10 billion.  Yeah, 24 times the cost.  I'm proud of my work on old nuclear.  The big problem is that it is [...]

Dinosaurios españoles por el mundo (III): Spaniardinos in London 

Koprolitos [10:34:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (108 visits) info
En el Reino Unido, las ventas de cómics están hoy muy lejos de las enormes cifras de las décadas de 1960 y 1970. Incluso hemos asistido recientemente a la desaparición de los quioscos de The Dandy (ahora [...]

Atlantic hurricanes squelched by West Pacific heat engine 

Ontario-geofish [13:24:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (26 visits) info
 Weird that the Natpost lifts an article directly from the washpost, with the usual clange boilerplate still attached.  The physics news of October is that a little pimple of heat emerged in the west [...]

Evaluando las evidencias más antiguas de la tortuga mora en la península ibérica en el Turtle Evolution Symposium 2021 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [10:34:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (31 visits) info
En el recientemente celebrado Turtle Evolution Symposium 2021 se han presentado los restos más antiguos documentados de la tortuga mora (Testudo graeca) de la península ibérica. Los restos corresponden a [...] | Impressum