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This tube belongs to one of the odder forms of Mollusca that this diverse phylum has thrown out. Believe it or not (and yes, that’s its real name) this tube with what vaguely resembles the flower-attachment of a watering pot at one end, is a [...]
These are the latest papers in the current Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology concerning reptiles. More to come on some of these.
De La Fuente, Marcelo, Novas, Fernando E., Isasi, Marcelo P., Lirio, Juan M., and Nuñez, Hector J. 2010. First [...]
There can be a fine line between “art” and “eyesore”—especially when it comes to roadside dinosaurs. Which side the 122-foot-long “Vermontasaurus” falls on is a matter of taste.
As reported by the Associated [...]
NOAA has been mapping a huge undersea volcano named Kawio Barat in the deep ocean north of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The underwater volcano rises around 3,800 meters from the
Mañana día 16 se inaugura por fin el centro de Paleoaventura que llevan varios años preparando en Enciso. Este reclamo, junto a los más de 130 yacimientos, y a otros atractivos paleontológicos de La Rioja, convierten a esta comunidad en un [...]
Geological Musing in the Taconic Mountains [2010-07-16 19:55:00]
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(830 visits)
This a combination Photosynth & Gigapan of a road cut I drive by fairly regularly and finally had the time to visit it very early in the morning (it faces directly east). Although it isn't incredibly interesting geology, it is a really [...]
See a full set of photos of the Corpse Flower’s growth here. Lois has totally stopped growing – a very good sign that is another indication that she will bloom very soon. In addition, her circumference increased 2 inches from yesterday, [...]
Detail from a Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE) map
With tests of a new cap system currently running at BP's Deep Horizon oil well in the Gulf of [...]
Action for Nature recognizes young people, 9 to 16 years old, for their accomplishments related to Earth and environment. Visit their website to see profiles of fourteen recent award