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Part I – Benjamin Smith Barton and ParenthoodIn which the blogger learns something about an early 19th Century botanist and indulges in some pop pyschologizing of the poor man.I’ve been reading about the somewhat enigmatic Benjamin Smith Barton [...]
Thousands of artifacts that pre-date the Clovis culture have been found in a Texas flood plain with an age between 13,200 to 15,000 years. It is being called “the oldest archaeological site in North
Scientists in Australia may have discovered the oldest animal fossils ever found. These sponge-like creatures are suggested to be around 650 million years old, which is almost 70 million years more than the preexisting record. The fossils were [...]
So, what on Earth is that? A couple of (poor) clues: it's not an extant crocodilian; it was photographed two weeks ago at Artis Zoo in Amsterdam (so it's not likely to be a Deinosuchus or something). Answers as comments or to the usual email
After yesterday's monster post about the prospects of drilling into the mantle (sorry, the petrologist side of me overpowered the volcanologist), today we catch up on some of the news:
Indonesia: It seems that the eruptive activity at [...]
DinoAstur. Blog sobre La Costa de los Dinosaurios [2011-03-29 14:39:20]
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(879 visits)
En el libro Riquezas geológicas de Asturias aparecen las icnitas de dinosaurios del Jurásico de Asturias y el MUJA. Los autores del libro, de reciente publicación (15 de noviembre de 2010, día de San Alberto Magno, patrono de las Facultades de [...]
After a surge of the Helheim Glacier on the southeast coast of Greenland, researchers discovered warm, Gulf Stream waters in Sermilik Fjord, at the base of the
The unfolding drama in Japan continues to grip our attention with continuing reports of trace amounts of radiation being detected from the Fukushima reactors. The University of Arizona is holding a public forum Tuesday evening a6 6:30 pm at [...]
In addition to its other effects, the magnitude 9.0 Tohoku earthquake that struck northeast Japan on March 11, 2011, will affect Japan’s and the world’s supply of some minerals, at least temporarily. Up to one-quarter of the [...]
Le volcan Avachinsky proche de Petropavlosk (Kamchatka) - H.Gaudru - 1992 Introduction Chaque année, de nombreux volcans dans le Monde connaissent une éruption. Les plus grandes [...]