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Despite its low fossil record, Spinosaurus is one of the most famous dinosaur of all time. This gigantic theropod possessed highly derived cranial and vertebral features sufficiently distinct for it to be designated as the nominal genus of the [...]
Three scientists explain what they’re learning about the ocean’s changing conditions. These discoveries will contribute to the sustainable management and conservation of marine resources, helping to secure food for current and future
Researchers have identified three new craters and four small-scale cold traps on Mercury filled with surface ice and suspect the planet may harbor many smaller patches of exposed ice too small to observe directly. The newly observed ice makes a [...]
Could the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in Costa Rica set off a hurricane in California? The question has been scrutinized by chaos theorists, stock-market analysts and weather forecasters for decades. For most people, this hypothetical scenario [...]
In addition to the major landslides already covered, the Kaikoura earthquake triggered many valley-blocking slips, most of which were quite
Update 22.00 Uhr: Mittlerweile wird klar, dass es selbst in Mexiko Stadt Schäden gegeben hat. Ganze Gebäude stürzten ein, oder wurden stark beschädigt. Es hat auf jeden Fall Todesopfer gegeben. Die Hauptstadt liegt 160 km vom Hypozentrum [...]
New(ish, but I'm just getting round to writing about it) review article by Knutti et al on climate sensitivity. The detailed review of published estimates is impressive, a lot of work must have gone into that. It has been spotted that the Callendar [...]
Tedros Adhanom called the new Global Health Security and Diplomacy program 'a gift' in the fight against complex global health
Die im Juni diesen Jahres herausgegebene Neufassung der VDI 3866, Blatt 5- Bestimmung von Asbest in technischen Produkten – soll durch erweiterte Präparationsmethoden auch für Asbestprodukte mit sehr geringen Asbestgehalten einen sicheren [...]
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