The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
This image shows what appears to be an ant fossil. The fossil was found in the Florissant
Formation of Teller County, Colorado, USA. It dates to the Eocene Epoch
(56-33.9 million years ago) of the Paleogene Period (66-23 million years
ago). [...]
Because of my commute, I consume multiple books at the same time. I listen to one in the car, and I read another (or more than one other) at home, on traditional paper. This past week, I read Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton and listened to David [...]
There is a wonderful, amazing, extraordinary postdoc position open at Oxford University: Palaeoseismology of Central Asian Earthquake Ruptures. We seek to appoint a postdoctoral research assistant to undertake investigations of large earthquakes [...]
Unter dem isländischen Gletschervulkan Katla manifestierte sich ein Erdstoß der Magnitude 3,0. Das Hypozentrum lag in 1,5 km Tiefe, nahe des nordöstlichen Calderarandes. Zuvor gab es einen Schwarm schwächerer Erdbeben. Die Sorge vor einem [...]
Gli studi sui movimenti di blocchi crustali più o meno ampi e delle placche usando i dati degli spostamenti delle stazioni GPS sono estremamente comuni. Lo abbiamo fatto anche noi del dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università di [...]
Der Ätna auf Sizilien stößt weiterhin Aschewolken aus. Diese steigen bis in einer Höhe von 6 km auf und gefährden den Luftverkehr. Es kam tatsächlich zu Flugausfällen und stornierten Flügen am Flughafen von Catania, der seinen Service [...]
A recent discovery based on observations by the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, SOHO, shows that the gaseous layer that wraps around Earth reaches up to 630,000 km away, or 50 times the diameter of our planet.
The post Earth’s [...]
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Wallace Broecker, a geochemist who initiated key research into the history of earth’s climate and humans’ influence upon it, died Feb. 18 in New York. He was
It's the last day of the work week. Some photos of isoclinal syn-depositional folding in Sardinian tuff will get your Friday off on the right foot.
The post Friday folds: Sardinian tuff appeared first on Mountain Beltway.