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Those keeping up with papers on palaeoethology may well have noticed that a number of papers have gone online in the Journal of Zoology of late with a common theme. Darren Naish has a paper on the behaviour of fossil birds, Andy Farke has one on [...]
"TIME FOR IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS WITHOUT DISTRACTIONS"--That is one of the opportunities presented to USGS Powell Center Working Groups. Indeed and quite pleasantly we have begun our discussions in the working group entitled "Exploiting high resolution [...]
This morning sees the publication of the new Policy for open access in the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework from HEFCE, the Higher Education Funding Council for England. It sets out in details HEFCE’s requirement that [...]
The Oso Landslide death toll is now up to 29. This is one of the worst natural hazard disasters I can remember in recent times. First and foremost I think should be the memories of the victims. There are so many heart-wrenching stories of the people [...]
Richard, A., Galle, S., Descloitres, M., Cohard, J.-M., Vandervaere, J.-P., Séguis, L., and Peugeot, C. 2013. Interplay of riparian forest and groundwater in the hillslope hydrology of Sudanian West Africa (northern Benin), Hydrology and Earth [...]
Sloth-moth symbiosis. Dinosaur-devestating asteroid impacts. Girl’s preference for pink. Are these fact, or fiction? It turns out that often what we think we know about the world is more based on story-telling than the byproduct of the [...]
Some elements are naturally radioactive, releasing alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma radiation as they decay to more stable elements. The decay in a fixed period of time is proportional to the number of unstable atoms, with exponential decay [...]
Last week was an intensely bored Upper Ordovician bryozoan, so it seems only fair to have a thoroughly encrusted Upper Ordovician brachiopod next. The above is, although you would hardly know it, the ventral valve exterior of a common strophomenid [...]
Often, soil color is described using general terms such as “brown”, “red”, “dark”, etc. When I talk about this issue for the first time with my students of Soil Science, I use to ask them how to describe the color [...]
I wrote an anti-hysterical guide to the earthquakes in Los Angeles for io9. Head over for the geology, seismology of recent earthquakes, interpreting risk forecasting, and preparing for the Big One without freaking