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continuing from previous Time to sum up and include some extras.First, the California Hypothesis has been very useful in stopping buildings pancaking. Tying everything together is like turning a building into a [...]
Juan Gallardo Muñoz (1929-2013) tuvo que salir de pequeño de Madrid por causa de la Guerra, estableciéndose en Benavente. Antes de dedicarse a la literatura popular, comenzó como periodista cinematográfico, llegando a enviar sus reseñas a [...]
We've now had 2 M3's. I'm amazed they could detect them. Everything is fine, except they should have been on top of each other. That's the fun of having poor seismic monitoring coverage. This [...]
Continued from previous articleAs seen, when a hypothesis cannot fail due to legal or political reasons, it becomes a religion. In the good old days, engineers embraced the failure of a hypothesis because it was a learning [...]
Tomorrow, everybody is bringing back their eclipse glasses for a refund. However, the rain might make them soggy.And today's art is 'Solar eclipse in a rain storm'ps so, the advice today is to forget Niagara and everybody get in [...]
Continued from this article.That article had other muck in it. This continues with the explanation of terms.The Taiwan earthquake is being pushed by influencers as a great success, when in fact it was a total engineering failure, [...]
This lovely with her colourful body is an octopus. Like ninety-seven percent of the world's animals, she lacks a backbone. To support their bodies, these spineless animals — invertebrates — have skeletons made of protein [...]
A sweet as you please example of Keuppia levante (Fuchs, Bracchi & Weis, 2009), an extinct genus of octopus that swam our ancient seas back in the Cretaceous. This particular lovely adorns a special place in my heart and my office. [...]
Nootka Fossil Field Trip. Photo: John FamThe rugged west coast of Vancouver Island offers spectacular views of a wild British Columbia. Here the seas heave along the shores slowly eroding the magnificent deposits that often contain [...]
The next Drunk on Geology is for the Waterpocket Distillery out of Salt Lake City, UT.
Before leaving Utah I made it a mission to visit the Waterpocket Distillery because there are few alcohols that more encompass the geology than this [...]