The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
Zabriskie Point in late May. It's usually over 100 degrees and sunny this time of year.
The weather was a last week as we hit the road to the southwest. We meant to drive over Tioga Pass, and made it to Crane Flat, only to find the pass [...]
Domani, sarà il primo giugno, un mese
che molti di voi attendono con grande trepidazione. Sarà finalmente
il mese in cui ci immergeremo tutti nella stupefacente meraviglia del
Mondo Giurassico. Non siete emozionati, eccitati, scalpitanti? In
A potential spin-off of the almost finished doctoral project are lithium-rich hectorite deposits. Thanks to cool people at the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) University Munich I recently had the opportunity to use their Environmental Scanning [...]
An El Niño has supposedly set in (starting when, exactly, I'm not sure). And if precipitation continues to be anything like it has been during the last several weeks, I hope it's here for the the long haul, that is, into the winter.
Rain shower [...]
One of the most common claims (by those who got their education about atmospheric physics staring at a computer screen in the basement) is that the increase in Antarctic Sea ice proves the planet is not warming. This myth is surprisingly widespread [...]
In the past, I have posted about working in the penguin rookeries. Most people associate penguins with ice and water, but Adélie penguins nest on land. Their nests can change the soil, because where penguins nest, they poop! You can see that poop [...]
Geoscientist Editor Ted Nield reviews the latest geology-related cinema release. A divorced search and rescue helicopter pilot (Ray, played by Dwayne Johnson) goes in search of his daughter in earthquake-hit San Francisco and is reunited with her [...]
A popular Earthlearningidea in May was "The space within - the porosity of rocks; investigating the amount of pore space between the 'grains' of a model 'rock'"
Underground water supplies and reserves of oil and gas depend on the [...]
GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [2015-06-01 12:30:10]
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High peaks, winding river channels and a barren landscape all feature in today’s Imaggeo on Mondays image, brought to you by Katja Laute, a geomorphologist from Norway. This photo was taken from an airplane flying over the Zagros Mountains in [...]