The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
On most Mondays I pick five posts from the previous week in the geoscience blogosphere that caught my eye. I limit it to just five because I want those who are not
As of last night my latest paper has come out, coauthored with Darren Naish and Innes Cuthill. Those with access to the journal Lethaia can get it here. Believe it or not I’ve been juggling with the idea as to whether or not to blog about this [...]
As well as eating and drinking, Christmas is traditionally a time for doing very little. In celebration of this, we’ve compiled a few geological ways to pass the time during the holiday. For the tweeters among you, David Pyle has … [...]
Just when we think that the El Hierro is winding down, it renews its eruptive activity. So far this is what has occurred on the island during the eruption.
The eruption was preceded by over 8,000 small and deep earthquakes, with harmonic tremor [...]
Well, I’m on a roll, so here’s some photos of a cast of an Allosaurus skull held in
Das Feldspäte und Quarz sich in ihrem Verwitterungsverhalten unterscheiden, das hat uns das Rasterelektronenmikroskop im letzten Beitrag deutlich gezeigt. Aber dort hatte ich auch gesagt, dass der Begriff "Feldspat" eigentlich weniger ein [...]
Lately I've been hit by people sending a legit-looking email, wanting to click on something. Since I have a fairly well hardened Linux machine, I clicked on them. They want your MS net password. Contacting these people, I find they clicked on [...]
I’ve had this photo knocking around for a couple of years and never got around to using it. It’s an Allosaurus skull cast on display at the BSPG in Munich. However, with my recent post on the Carnegie Allosaurus, it seemed a good time to [...]
The Turrilites sp. ammonite fossil displayed at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (July 2011). The creature swam the Western Interior seas of the Upper Cretaceous (Mesozoic Era). Its Carnegie museum accession [...]
Yesterday and today there has been some earthquake activity in Katla volcano. While this earthquake activity is less then what have been taking place during the past few months this activity is bit higher then it used to be during … Continue [...]