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It's been a very rough couple of weeks for Sarah and I, so I apologize for being MIA. I'll explain later. But, for the time being, we're back to regular posting.
Sarah below some rather imposing cliffs.
After our marathon day out in Half Moon [...]
"This is climate change in action." In reality, we are in a stagnant mess because of no ocean heat energy. The good news is that a Pacific plume is blowing away Alberta smoke to Europe. Then, they can have fun with it. The smoke [...]
The Arctic ice has started the Spring Melt. That's a lot of heat energy to absorb in the melting. Without ocean plumes, the cold blobs are coming down on us, fast and furious.At least it gives rain to our stagnant summer. This is a preview [...]
What do you think? Do you think it's fading? Or growing? It's all up to popular opinion, and we should take a vote....I'm watching it closely, and I think it's fading. ps. and the NY Times is making fun of us for having fires, although [...]
ReferenceDroughts, storms, wildfires and heat waves: Extreme weather around the world is becoming more intense and more frequent. This is a nice article showing the logic of attributing all hot extreme events to clange. Have they ever not [...]
Our city tree just fell over, totally rotten at the base, but looking healthy.I'll have to give this a thousand to one odds, and it's time to buy lottery tickets. All due to climate
Fountains and olive trees. Olive oil was one source of mission income back in the day.
Rather than trying to visit my Rocky Mountain Junipers between rainstorms, I'm reporting on some trees I saw at Mission La Purísima in California several [...]
New York's climate law is one of the strongest in the world. A new tracker helps to understand progress in implementing
A new study finds that electricity market design is the key to trade-offs between more affordable energy and lower carbon
At a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change side event in early June, representatives from several countries discussed the urgent need to address global loss of water and sea-level