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AGU has lots of interesting sessions to offer for paleoseismologists. Our colleague Pia Victor invites contributions to her session with Shreya Arora, Audin Laurence, Christie D Rowe, Alba Mar Rodriguez Padilla: Field observations, instrumental [...]
We get our nice 3 days of heat, with lots of rain. Went fishing with 'The world's worst fishing dog.' and got lots of nibbles. I put on a large hook, since I don't want to do any work. The US midwest is finally getting heat, and it's all [...]
Down to Earth Extra August 2023
The August 2023 edition of Down to Earth Extra has been published. You can download it HERE or you can read it below.
Tutti possono commettere degli errori. Sia il neofita alle prime armi che il professionista con decenni di esperienza. Questo umanissimo e democratico principio non va però stravolto né distorto per imbastire una retorica populista. Errare è [...]
Hace unos días se celebró el XI Congresso Nacional de Geologia (CNG), que ha tenido lugar en el Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra de la Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología de la Universidade de Coimbra del 16 al 20 de julio. Celebrado en [...]
I don't want to be right about the stillborn El Nino, or the Thames freezing over. I want to be as wrong as these guys. They have Oz burning, and I say 'total sog'. Hopefully, nobody is right. I don't have any money in Ozzie Umbrellas, but [...]
The new ELI today is 'Folds and faults with puff pastry and chocolate; understanding folds and faults in cross section and on a geological map'.This activity models the formation of folds and then of faults using the Catalonian pre-Pyrenees as an [...]
Felix Hernandez es un artista multidisciplinar de Cancún (México), que combina fotografía, arte digital y miniaturismo para lograr espectaculares creaciones visuales. Dirige su propio estudio, llamado "Hernandez Dreamphography", donde ha [...]
Everybody in Toronto should turn on the fire hydrants, and go about near-naked. We might get in the guard! This could be our last warm weather because another blob is coming down.We have the only heat action in the world right now. Europe [...]
Katie Tutrone uses her platform as a producer, climate educator, and reporter to inspire more people to pay closer attention to the