The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
The spread of climate sensitivity in the CMIP6 models is wider than previous model ensembles and wider than the assessed range. But #notallmodels are running hot.
The post #NotAllModels first appeared on RealClimate.
My top 3 impressions up-front: The sea level projections for the year 2100 have been adjusted upwards again. The IPCC has introduced a new high-end risk scenario, stating that a global rise “approaching 2 m by 2100 and 5 m by 2150 under a very [...]
Quite some time ago, I fell in line with the authors in reconstructing the weird Atopodentatus unicus with a particularly Lovecraftian face. I won’t apologize for this reconstruction, I followed the implied anatomy the authors presented and [...]
Two decades ago, the so-called “Hockey Stick” curve, published in 1999 by me and my co-authors , was featured in the all-important “Summary for Policy Makers” (SPM) of the 2001 IPCC Third Assessment report. The curve, which depicted [...]
Yes, if you bring out a lens, it's the warmest July. Some people might say it's flat, but we never put in error bars.This plot shows that the year continues to be way down. It only shifts in January for some reason.The standard plot of all [...]
The MPA-ESP program allowed her to discover climate policy with a focus on legislative
Yeah, it's canning season! We do it the lazy way. We take our huge pot, and cut up tomatoes in sections, and then throw in all the surplus from the garden including giant zuchs, onions, and peppers. Once it is all cooked I grind it all down [...]
The newly founded school will play a key role in the week's
Does Global Warming Lead to Mass Extinction?
We know when mass extinctions have happened; we know the sea surface temperature for many millions of years. Is there a connection?
THIS ARTICLE, based on THIS PAPER, looks at this. And the news is [...]
Bad news – the PATA Days in Chile are cancelled. The ongoing Corona crisis does not allow for proper planning and many restrictions are still in place. Visitors to Chile might need to quarantine, air travel might be restricted, and it is not clear [...]