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Oh jeez, that's not something one likes to see on a field trip...
How many horror movies begin with people ignoring the warning signs, both literally and metaphorically? The doomed characters doggedly soldier on, minor disasters mount, and then [...]
This is the real climate change, not the soda pop fizzers. Due to geology and plate tectonics our northern lives hang on a thread. This news might stop immigrants. :)
You have to click on the large version. This is the week's ocean [...]
Outcrop - The Blog of the Avon RIGS Group [2015-10-18 11:02:00]
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Rock clearance day at SaltfordFriday 20 November Meet: 10:30am at the clearance site. Finish at 4pm.Dear volunteersI am organising a rock clearance day on Friday 20 November to clean up a late Triassic/White Lias site close to the Railway [...]
The other day my mom asked me a very basic question and one that I had never considered. How exactly did they lower Lake Washington during construction of the Lake Washington Ship Canal and the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks? Completed in 1916 and [...]
Extreme rainfall on Thursday triggered mudflows in the Tehachapi Mountains of California. A number of videos caught the events as they developed, and there are some excellent galleries of images of the
We spent three days exploring the geology of the Yosemite region last week, and the first stop on Saturday was Washburn Point, an amazingly quiet viewpoint given its proximity to Glacier Point. It's a parking lot, sure, but no bathrooms, no curio or [...]
"[] sono buoni motivi per affermare che l´umanità ha dato inizio alla sesta estinzione, sprofondando nell´eterno oblio, nel giro di poche generazioni, gran parte delle specie viventi a essa contemporanee.”Edward O. Wilson Nella 3.5 [...]
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6 in the morning! I saw the islands !
Those of the night shift had to see the firt one a little bit earlier in the rising sun.
By Chandler Precht After being the first global bank to be confronted by activists over 15 years ago, Citi was forced to address some of the environmental issues surrounding its business, including the question: If banks are financing companies [...]