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Tektonik Maluku Peristiwa gempa bumi yang beberapa kali terjadi di Maluku belakangan ini merupakan konsekuensi dari tatanan lempeng lempeng di Indonesia Timur yang sedemikian ruwetnya. Kompleksitas inilah yang kemudian mengundang rasa penasaran [...]
Right now, I'd be walking the dog. But I'm looking out the window at high-velocity horizontal ice pellets, and they are hitting the window like machine-gun fire.
And nobody is walking their dog in the UK, either. Time to stay by the fire and [...]
Davidson, Gregg, 2019, Friend of Science, Friend of Faith: Listening to God in His Works and Word, Kregel Academic, 297 p. Gregg Davidson, a Christian, is Chair of Geology and Geological Engineering at the University of Mississippi. Friend of [...]
Venus continues to emerge into the evening sky this month. Look low in the southwest at dusk for the brightest thing there. Saturn is also in the southwestern evening sky. Watch Venus approach and pass it on December 11. Mars is higher in the [...]
This month’s open thread. December
On a peninsula within sight of New York City, researchers are studying trees dating as far back as the early 1800s. Rising seas and more powerful storms, both fueled by climate change, could eventually spell their
According to new research, the rains that come once the storm has weakened may actually be more intense than when the storm is at its
Der Ätna auf Sizilien (Italien) steigerte gestern Abend seine Aktivität. Wie die Vulkanologen des INGV berichten, wurden strombolianische Eruptionen aus dem „Puttusiddu“ genannten Schlot im Osten des Neuen Südostkraters beobachtet. Glühende [...]
Der peruanische Vulkan Sabancaya eruptierte heute eine Aschewolke, die bis auf einer Höhe von mehr als 10.000 m aufstieg. In den letzten 24 Stunden wurden 5 Eruptionswolken detektiert. In den letzten Tagen legte die Aktivität deutlich zu. MIROVA [...]
AutoCAD is a common computer-aided design program that has been in use for a while now. Many people prefer to use this software because it Read More