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This larger colonial coral fossil specimen was found in Hardin County, Kentucky. It is Mississippian in age and might be from the Salem Limestone. It appears to match the characteristics of a Syringopora monroenae coral fossil.Thanks to Kenny for [...]
The Colorado Plateau is a fascinating place to explore. The scenery is beyond compare, and the geology is laid bare in the arid environment. It is an excellent place to teach because of the way the story of the region unfolds. So much of the [...]
A series of small quakes has occurred at Krafla volcano in Northern Iceland. A series of about 10-12 small quakes, the strongest being near mag 1.5, occurred swiftly with maybe one or two very small aftershocks in the area. Krafla [...]
I am amazed at how political beliefs can lead people to say and do really ignorant things. I had a comment this week from someone who complained that it was nearly impossible to get information about climate change from a non political source, [...]
The volcano made famous in New Zealand (for something other than erupting) by the movie franchise "The Lord of the Rings", as a stand in for "Mount Doom" is showing signs of increased seimicity and gas levels. The Smithsonian GVP's report today had [...]
A thought exercise: you've lost your foreclosure perhaps. The sheriff kicked you out so quickly that you had to leave most of your belongings behind. Maybe it was the family farm. Your parents and grandparents were buried there in a [...]
When paleontologists uncover a dinosaur, they have plenty of reason to worry. In some parts of the world, such as Mongolia, black market thieves often steal and smuggle dinosaurs that wind up bringing in hefty sums at auction houses. Sometimes, [...]
After spending three months in Durham, England, and taken a vacation from blogging for six weeks (amazing what it does to the hit count on a blog!!), I thought that I'd restart with a look at the dynamics of the peloton that plays such a role in [...]
There are two common fossil types that begin with “strom” and look roughly alike to the untrained eye. One is the stromatoporoid, which is a calcareous sponge, and the other is the stromatolite, which is a layered structure produced by [...]
In de onlineversie van de krant De Morgen verschijnen in de rubriek 'extreme aarde' geregeld totaal irrelevante berichtjes over aardbevingen. In een opiniestuk -zeg maar 'open brief' aan de redactie - pleit ik om met deze berichtgeving te stoppen. [...]