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Here are cervicals 4 and 8 from MB.R.2180, the big mounted Giraffatitan in Berlin. Even though this is one of the better sauropod necks in the world, the vertebrae have enough taphonomic distortion that trying to determine what neutral, uncrushed [...]
Ha, not an ice glacier, but a cold air mass that behaves almost the same.That air is incredibly thick, like ice. Nothing can penetrate, not even tropical plumes from the Atlantic.Slowly it comes down, and is stopped by the Great Lakes. They [...]
Fiona made me a cake for tomorrow. She asked me if the flowers were OK. I said there were flowering plants at the end of the Cretaceous, so this is acceptable so long as we interpret the sauropod as a
The recognition of sedimentological traces of earthquakes in the form of seismites within Pleistocene sediments is the main objective of the GREBAL project (Recognition of traces left by earthquakes in Pleistocene sediments affected by glacio- [...]
Bis 10 Uhr MEZ wurden 64 Erschütterungen detektiert. Da für uns ein Erdbeben auf Island von besonderem Interesse ist, erfolgt bereits jetzt das Erdbeben-Update.
The post Erdbeben-Update 13.02.21: Bardarbunga und Sumatra first appeared on Vulkane [...]
Im Vulkan-Update vom Samstag geht es um den Sinabung auf Sumatra, der einen pyroklastischen Strom eruptierte. Der Stromboli meldete sich gestern mit einem LiveCam-Intermezzo und der Klyuchevskoy eruptierte Aschewolken.
The post Vulkan-Update [...]
Im Vulkan Update vom 7. Februar steht der guatemaltekische Vulkan Pacaya im Fokus der Berichterstattung. Hier steigerte sich die Aktivität deutlich. Außerdem ist der Popocatepetl munter.
The post Vulkan-Update 07.02.21: Pacaya mit [...]
By Chris Ronan, Geocaching HQ’s Community Relations Manager When NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover launched last July, it included a tracking code that you’ll soon be able to log. With the rover scheduled to land in Jezero Crater on Mars [...]
Seven-day average for cases in all three regions show dramatic decline, much more than can be explained by vaccine roll-out that has been challenging. Death data starting to show same effect.