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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Geoblogosphere weekly review (22th week of 2021, 315 weeks ago)
Most active blogs:
- Adventures in Geology and GeoHazards (28 posts)
- Ontario-geofish (10 posts)
- State of the Planet (5 posts)
- Koprolitos (5 posts)
- ARCHEA (4 posts)
- Geotripper (3 posts)
- Geology in the West Country (3 posts)
- Earth Learning Idea (1 posts)
- Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week (1 posts)
- Oakland Geology (1 posts)
Most visited blogs:
- Adventures in Geology and GeoHazards (6317 visits)
- Ontario-geofish (1574 visits)
- State of the Planet (1348 visits)
- Koprolitos (867 visits)
- Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week (484 visits)
- Geology in the West Country (391 visits)
- Geotripper (299 visits)
- Wooster Geologists (245 visits)
- ARCHEA (174 visits)
- BEYONDbones (174 visits)
Top keywords:
- Cómic (2)
- Escultosaurios (1)
- GlacierHub Blog (1)
- 2021 Lunar Eclipse (1)
- books (1)
- Cephalopod Taxonomy (1)
- Publicidad (1)
- Georisiken (1)
- Climate (1)
- Gender Equality (1)
The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
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The author of a recent book explains how the mountainous terrain and complex linguistic landscape limited U.S. military operations in the Pech Valley.
The post An Interview With Wesley Morgan on Warfare in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan appeared [...]
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ReferenceHe always puts his boilerplate about sunspots on the bottom, but he has done what I cannot. He has penetrated the Danish on that site to get something. Greenland gains ice volume in the winter and loses it in the summer, just like [...]
Mark Wheatley es un ilustrador, guionista y editor de cómics nacido en 1954 en Portsmouth (Virginia, Estados Unidos). Ha sido ganador y nominado en diferentes premios como los prestigiosos Eisner, Harvey, Ignatz, Inkpot, Mucker o Speakeasy. En [...]
Here’s a pretty cool image: Plate 7 from Lull (1919), showing the partial skeleton of Barosaurus YPM 429 (above), compared to the much more complete skeleton of Diplodocus CM84/94 (below). I’ve been pretty familiar with that Barosaurus skeleton [...]