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We have had tones of rain. Everything is soggy, and smells of rot. I started a fire, and it took forever, because every little twig was soggy. Nice and warm
En 1858, un velero partió de una ciudad costera del noreste de Estados Unidos para cazar ballenas alrededor del mundo y nunca regresó. ¿Dónde terminó? Investigadores de los hemisferios sur y norte se unieron para dar respuesta a este
Hace unas semanas presentamos a Tim Andraka (a.k.a. Goose Mouth), ilustrador de North Kingstown (Rhode Island, Estados Unidos), que había realizado una serie de ilustraciones que mezclaban dinosaurios y figuras de ajedrez. Ya comentamos que [...]
Exceptional fossil starfish Helianthaster preserved in minute detail in pyrite from the Devonian of Bundenbach, Germany.Helianthaster rhenanus was first described in 1862 by Roemer, based on fossils found in the Bundenbach area in Germany, dating [...]
He’ll be teaching ‘ESG-Aligned Corporate Governance’ in spring
These fossils were displayed on August 2022, at the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The brachiopod fossils are called Rafinesquina alternate (Conrad, 1838). This specimen was found in Ohio. It dates to the [...]
Cuando hace algunas semanas, publicamos por aquí varias ilustraciones de dinosaurios distópicos a cargo de la ilustradora canadiense Annie Lafrenière, nos dimos cuenta de que también había realizado una serie dedicada a organismos [...]
In 1858, a sailing ship left Warren, R.I., to hunt the globe for whales, and never returned. Where did it end up? Researchers from the southern and northern hemispheres joined to
Wind and solar projects have a human rights problem. But they don’t have
A variety of positions are available. Applications will be accepted until September