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A new study of re-growing tropical forests has concluded that plant biodiversity takes longer to recover than carbon storage following major disturbances such as clearance for farming.
The findings, published in the scientific journal Proceedings [...]
You probably already referenced maps with written coordinates but using photos or images is a little different as you need some characteristic points so you can control the position of the image according to the real world. In this little tutorial [...]
If you’ve been to a rock shop, or even googled “fossil”, you’ve seen these beautiful and ubiquitous objects. They are polished sections through a nautiloid known as “Orthoceras“. We put quotes around the genus [...]
Dimitrios at Deep Excavation posted an article last month about a new settlement method for helical piles that he is developing with Michael Perlow. The method is already showing promising results according to the article. It will ultimately be [...]
GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [2013-11-06 13:00:04]
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This week in Geotalk, we’re talking to Simon Redfern, renowned scientist and science communicator and the man behind An Atom’s-Eye View of the Planet. What made you first step into science communication? That’s a difficult question for me to [...]
Sarah Pogue reviews the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability - Early Career Researchers meeting in York
The new issue of Seismological Research Letters has been published now and it contains a lot of articles for those liking old earthquakes. Some topics might sound familiar to you when you attended the PATA days conference as the authors … [...]
In about a few hours, observers in Nigeria will experience a partial eclipse of the Sun. The eclipse actually what is known as a hybrid Eclipse. A hybrid eclipse occurs when a Solar eclipse is seen as Total and Annular at the same time. A total [...]
This video produced by Voice of America highlights the Le Brea Tar Pits of Los Angeles, California. The pits have produced over 5.5 million fossils over the last 100 years. The fossils found there date to the Pleistocene.Learn more about the Page [...]
Several interesting jobs are currently vacant for paleoseismologists and earthquake geology scientists, from PhD positions to professorships. PhD position at Cologne University, Bensberg Seismological Observatory, Germany A PhD candidate working on [...]