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O famoso paleontólogo Michael Benton, dará palestra na FCT-UNL sobre a árvore de Vida e a origem da biodiversidade.O Prof. Michael Benton da Universidade de Bristol, fará na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa [...]
I’ve already mentioned that my time in Canada involved a short trip to Dinosaur Provincial Park with Darren Tanke, but we were also out with Mark Graham, a preparator at the Natural History Museum in London. Mark has kindly written up a guest [...]
So the experience finally begins.... After months of planning and anticipation I am finally sitting on the JOIDES Resolution research vessel. We are currently in dock in Victoria, British Columbia anticipating setting sail 8:00 am Monday [...]
In addition to the actual fossils, I do have a decent record of seeing live animals while out in the field, and the DPP and environs of the Tyrrell were no exception. The dinosaurs are of course, awesome, but it’s nice to see some wildlife [...]
“One grain of sand, it is all that remains of my vast empire." This line is from the classic film The Never Ending Story. When the mythical land of Fantasia is destroyed, the protagonists are able to wish it
This place is going to be Theropod Central for a bit (until the huge volume of ceratopsians kick in), so here’s an ankylosaur to keep things ticking over. As usual, enthralled though I was with the exhibitions, I didn’t pay that much [...]
On Saturday, some villages near my hometown suffered heavy rains. Up to 100 l/m² arrived during the afternoon and evening in Kirchhasel and other places in central Thuringia. Small streams became rivers and flash flooding occurred, damaging houses, [...]
More than a hundred years have passed; much has changed; and yet so much about mining is the same. This thought is prompted by reading Prinsloo of Prinsloosdorp by Douglas Blackburn. First published in1898, reprinted in 1908; and now available in [...]
Outcrop - The Blog of the Avon RIGS Group [2013-05-23 12:09:00]
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BOX ROCK CIRCUS OFFICIALLY OPENED BY PROFESSOR IAIN STEWARTPhoto credits Charles HiscockOn a rather damp Tuesday May 14th 2013 a large number of people from the village of Box, near Corsham, Wiltshire, pupils from the local schools, members of [...]
News of landslides from the USA, Canada and Hong Kong, and about the role of landslides in the Day of