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In which the blogger finds his world insisting, though a campaign involving press reports, a new museum exhibit, and postage stamps, that he pay attention to Antarctic fossils.Perhaps I’m just experiencing that phenomenon where something comes to [...]
I've never seen anything like this, it's amazing. The Atlantic heat is giving up, and it is still extremely cold up in Greenland. This cold air is now mixing with the left-over warm air, creating big thunderstorms. The UK will have a cold [...]
The Atlantic air and water currents have gone low. It is at the point on the nose when the current suddenly zooms south. It is my hypothesis that when it does that, we're in for a cold one. While I've been watching the chart (for a few years), [...]
A few weeks ago, we’ve argued in a paper in Nature that the Atlantic overturning circulation (sometimes popularly dubbed the Gulf Stream System) has weakened significantly since the late 19th Century, with most of the decline happening since the [...]
Use some sheets from a toilet roll to make 'The toilet roll of time; make a geological timeline to take home'
This activity has been devised to address the common lack of knowledge about geological time. Research has shown that many people have [...]
So I recently got a reply from Michael Taylor, the paleontologist currently writing the description for the Archbishop Brachiosaur, through email. Here is what he said. He also used my name as I emailed him through my personal email, however I [...]
Saturday June 2nd residents of wider New York City are invited to join scientists in exploring our estuary and assessing the spring bounty and diversity of our local waterways. For the last 4 years Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory has teamed up with [...]
Just last summer the Baltimore Sun had this story about the historic clock on Main Street in Ellicott City, Maryland. It was rededicated after the devastating “1000-year” flood of July 30,2016 that made national news. That clock was swept away [...]
On Saturday another landslide happened at the Ituango dam site. This was a smaller failure above a slope that has been cut and mitigated. 1500 workers were evacuated from the site, but no-one was injured. The integrity of the dam was not [...]
Increasing summer temperatures brought on by a combination of intensifying urbanization and warming climate are driving off once common low-lying morning clouds that shade many southern coastal areas of California, leading to increased risk of [...]