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You simply know that they missed the next shipment right beside it, and it involved the criminals killing a lot of people. My general thought is to legalize the production and sale of 'natural' drugs, that have been found to have a beneficial [...]
Located three hours east of Vancouver, most folks head to Harrison Lake to enjoy its crisp waters, soak in the hot springs, camp or four-wheel-drive immersed in rugged scenery, or look for the elusive Sasquatch reported to live in the area. But [...]
Recientemente ha sido publicado un trabajo sobre la diversidad de saurópodos titanosaurios en la Isla de Hațeg (Europa del Este) durante el Maastrichtiense (Cretácico Superior). La publicación se basa en la descripción de numerosos ejemplares [...]
No, no nos referimos a cabezas rapadas del Mesozoico, sino al último manga de Taro Sekiguchi, que lleva ese título. Nacido en la prefectura de Wakayama en 1970, Sekiguchi es un veterano del manga que debutó en 1989 y ha cultivado todo tipo de [...]
Ankylosauria is a clade of herbivorous, armored ornithischian dinosaurs subdivided in two major clades: the Ankylosauridae and the Nodosauridae. The most derived members of this group are characterized by shortened skulls, pyramidal squamosal horns, [...]
Hudson Bay is covered with 10% ice, and is still pouring out the heat energy. It's keeping the whole Arctic above normal for this time of year. The Arctic was warmer all summer and I'm sure the Bay enjoyed the weather. Looks like it only has [...]
Sabemos poco de Violet's Pond, salvo que es una estudiante de arte norteamericana y que está interesada en el diseño de personajes y criaturas. Entre las ilustraciones que va publicando en su cuenta de Instagram nos ha resultado curiosa esta [...]
Columbia researchers are working with the MTA to develop machine learning and traffic models to optimize traffic flow during
Nunatsiarmiut Mother and Child, Baffin Island, NunavutWarm light bathes this lovely Nunatsiarmiut mother and child from Baffin Island, Nunavut. They speak Inuktitut, the mother tongue of the majority of the Nunatsiarmiut who call Baffin Island [...]