The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
This is the pattern of last year. Lots of snow. We had the unusual pattern of the California storms and that kept us mild. January is going to be warm on the charts.The slashing plumes bring up a bit of Gulf warmth. This is called a Texas [...]
I live in California's Great Valley, known to some as the plain old "Central Valley", and most know it as a very flat place. A VERY flat place. Over the four-hundred-mile length of the valley elevations barely rise above 300 feet above sea [...]
Some people like the sunrise. I like watching the snow come
Amidst the panic of end-of-semester grading, exam writing and proctoring, and preparations for heading to California and Montana for the holidays, Sarah and I managed to have a day free to head out to a dredge spoil site out on Charleston harbor [...]
With the recent launch of Geoenergy, Max Brouwers (Getech) highlights the importance of geoscience in this new era of sustainable energy. The energy transition is well underway and the speed of change is accelerating. With the shift from [...]
We've had quite a few warnings of these things, but it's always rain. It's amazing how sensitive this is to a slight drift in the storms.We have the Texas Low, or Gulf plume coming up and meeting the big cold air blob. The boundaries of rain [...]
La Paleoarte è l'insieme delle rappresentazioni iconografiche di specie ed ambienti del passato paleontologico. La parola unisce il termine paleo (che rimanda alla paleontologia, quindi alle scienze naturali, quantitative e sperimentali) e arte [...]
Age of Reptiles: The JourneyLa última entrega –por el momento- de esta serie está dedicada a los cómics más recientes que han dedicado viñetas a los cocodrilos mesozoicos. Como vamos a comprobar, estas criaturas siguen gozando de la [...]
The new ELI today is 'Coastal erosion; what controls the form of a coastline and the steepness of its cliffs?'This activity examines how cliff structure and other factors impact cliff retreat and coastal landforms. It lists the main factors involved [...]
Editado por 2Cabezas, "Excavamos más profundo" reúne en formato bolsilibro seis relatos cortos de Iván Narváez, paleontólogo y administrador del blog que estáis leyendo, Koprolitos. A lo largo de sus páginas encontramos sangre, violencia, [...]