The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
Midwestern floods, Western forest fires, and coastal hurricanes are creating a call for climate resilient infrastructure. The Green New Deal is a way to respond to that
To my shock, I find that we seem never to have posted Bob Nicholls’ beautiful sketch Hello, ladies! on SV-POW!. His recent tweet reminded me about this piece, so here it is! Like so many classic sauropod sketches, this was executed during a [...]
I'm traveling in New Zealand with Smithsonian Journeys and a wonderful, small group of ten people. We've toured the North Island and I'll be posting photos in the next few days. Friday, March 29 is a National Day of Mourning for the shooting victims [...]
Biodiversity could suffer as result, and more carbon could be added to the
Original zu Wilmsen et al. 2019, Artbestimmung muss offen bleiben; das Exemplar hat jedoch ein relativ schlankes Rostrum, wie bei P. primus üblich - Cenoman, mittleres Cenoman (Mobschatz-Formation) - Ort: ehemaliger Eisenbahntunnel bei [...]
Meekoceras bylundi Jenks & Brayard 2018Holotype
A little late, but...
Thank you Jim and
It was both immense and immensely good humoured.
Got to the end of the "assembly area" at Marble Arch in London, 0.8mile away from the start at Hyde Park Corner, a bit before 1pm. Joined the throng and inched down the road. Got to the [...]
Scientists are sailing to remote areas of the Southern Ocean to drill cores from the bottom that they hope will contain clues to past rapid changes in the Antarctic ice, and how it may react to warming climate
Las aragosaureras Raquel Moya, Gloria Cuenca y Blanca Bauluz acaban de publicar un nuevo artículo en la revista PLOS ONE donde desarrollan una nueva metodología de la reconstrucción del cráneo de mamíferos sorícidos a partir de fragmentos.Un [...]
GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [2019-03-26 10:01:43]
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Wondering what to expect at the General Assembly this year? Here are some of the highlights: Union Symposia (US) For events which will have general appeal, regardless of your field of research, look no further than the Union Symposia. The [...]