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Hawthorne, NJ (January 6, 2014): The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) is hosting its seventh annual SuperPile conference on June 18-20, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency, Cambridge, MA. SuperPile ‘14 is a collaboration of seven DFI Technical Committees [...]
Last week’s specimen was a Lower Carboniferous fossiliferous siderite concretion from an unknown location, but likely from the Wooster area. It was donated to the department by Emeritus Geology Professor Sam Root. The concretion has [...]
The EPA’s decision about the prudence of developing the Pebble Mine or any other mine in the area of Bristol Bay is in–see this link. This blog (I/me) has been a consistent critic of the idea of developing the Pebble Mine. In short, I [...]
The Greek word for 'desert' is eremos from which comes 'hermit' and that is exactly what I have been for quite a while. The word is appropriate because I have been chained to the word processor and surrounded by
Today we have a new guest post written by current PhD candidate and Antarctic researcher on her very fascinating field work. Actually, she wrote this post while at McMurdo station. Hilary and I have known each other since our time at Queens [...]
Having a day off from work, and no errands to run, meant relaxing in his high rise apartment, keeping the curtains closed, his boxers off, and the HD porn of,, his favorite sex tube site, on his screen. Since being relocated for [...]
Infectious disease experts at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health have launched a website that reports weekly predictions for rates of season influenza in 94 cities in the United States based on a scientifically validated system. The URL is [...]
How cold was it last Tuesday? Cold enough to convince a lot of people global warming isn’t happening. Or at least confirm their belief that it isn’t. But wait a minute: When the temperature hit 71 degrees in New York City on Dec, 22, that got a [...]
Several interesting jobs are currently vacant for earthquake geology scientists, from PhD positions to professorships. PhD position in Durham – Earthquake dynamics in carbonatic rocks: constraints from laboratory experiments See [...]