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Valery H. on Dipity.
Either this show was not heavily advertised or I missed it completely, but I literally happened to switch on the TV as this started so I inevitably watched it and made a few notes and here’s my thoughts on the subject. I’m not normally a [...]
The New York Times has two interactive GeoEye satellite images of tornado tracks from Pleasant Grove, Alabama and Tuscaloosa,
Today, I bring you the third instalment of my perching dino/bird orange Microraptor.I was originally trying to draw Archaeopteryx but realised halfway through that the face was too theropod-looking and decided that I was going to convert [...]
“Astronauts onboard the International Space Station see, on average, 16 sunrises and sunsets during a 24-hour orbital period. Each changeover between day and night is marked by the terminator, a line on Earth’s surface separating the [...]
Spent today working as a hard-working consultant to the oil sands mining industry. The industry is always short of qualified staff. And the jobs are demanding and well-paid. The challenges are immense as the issues are new, unique, and [...]
Growing up on the East Geduld Mine, a gold mine at the far east end of the South African Witwatersrand, we often went to play around the slimes dams and the pools of orange, green, and blue waters that dotted the landscape. Our parent [...]
USGS has a new free publication that describes the basin fill aquifers of the southwestern United States titled: “Effects of natural and human factors on groundwater quality of basin-fill aquifers in the southwestern United States-conceptual [...]
High waters on the Black River in southeastern Missouri are threatening to break a levee near the community of Poplar Bluff. Part of the town has been evacuated.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, after being hit by ahuge tornado on April 27, 2011. Photofrom National Geographic Daily Newsby Marvin Gentry, ReutersThe headline above is from today's issue of National Geographic Daily News. A tornado, estimated to be a mile [...]