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I’ll see your face-of-the-blessed-virgin-in-a-waffle and raise you the fourth dorsal vertebra of the Giraffatitan brancai paralectotype BM.R.2181 (formerly HMN S II) in a dandelion leaf: I saw this lying on the ground as my friend Nataley was [...]
This fossil is of a early Devonian Period fish Pterichthyodes oblongus. Discovered in 1844 and its name means "winged-fish form".
The fossil on display (2018) at American Museum of Natural History, New York City, USA. Fossil was found in [...]
State leadership is failing its citizens - and there will be a body count.
Today we have quite a number of interesting studies on tectonic geomorphology, high-resolution DEMs, and the Tien Shan, plus other interesting stuff on earthquakes, active tectonics, and paleoseismology. Enjoy reading! Grützner, C., Campbell, G., [...]
Gestern eruptierte der Inselvulkan Sangeang Api eine weitere Aschewolke. Das VAAC Darwin meldete Vulkanasche in einer Höhe von 2400 Metern. MIROVA registriert eine Wärmestrahlung mit einer Leistung von 24 MW. Auf Satellitenfotos ist ein kurzer [...]
The University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute seeks a collection manager to oversee its world-class research collections in invertebrate paleontology. The collections consist of extensive invertebrate fossil and micro-fossil specimens, along [...]
Professor Emeritus of Geology Donal M. Ragan passed away in February 2019. Unfortunately, I had lost some contact with him in the last years. However, I was first hired on in 1995 at ASU to take Don's position (from which he had retired) and teach [...]
As our three-year old chocolate-golden Labrador mix looks happiest when he’s running, we try to get him out to a park once or twice a day. While he’s chasing noisy killdeer and attacking discarded plastic water bottles, I have a chance to look [...]
A small earthquake swarm started today (30-June-2019) east of Grímsey island. Largest earthquake in this swarm had a magnitude of 3,6. There are no news that it had been felt. The earthquake east of Grímsey island. Copyright of this image … [...]
Plesiosaur vertebrae / Liam Langley Collection
These two lovely Plesiosaur vertebrae were found by Liam Langley on fossil field trips to the Yorkshire Coast on the east coast of England.
Plesiosaurus were large, carnivorous air-breathing marine [...]