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"From the viewpoints of quality, quantity and chemistry, Sahara sand is hard to beat for use as silicon for solar cells" Last week I wrote about a stunning example of innovation through putting previously un-associated concepts together to [...]
As we did roughly a year ago (and as we will probably do every year around this time), we can add another data point to a set of reasonably standard model-data comparisons that have proven interesting over the years. First, here is the update of the [...]
In early January thousands of Blackbirds were found dead in Arkansas. USGS is investigating this incident to determine their cause of
Friends, King tides photos requested Geo-TV on the web But first, thanks to readers who came to the Mount Baker presentation at Whatcom Museum Thursday afternoon. There was standing room only. There will be a repeat in the spring, watch for the [...]
An International Symposium on Earthquake Induced Landslides and Disaster Mitigation at the 3rd Anniversary of the Wenchuan Earthquake will be held from 12 – 15 May, 2011 in Chengdu, China. Main topics will be: Post-earthquake inventories of [...]
Raubvögel, oder besser Greifvögel (denn sie rauben ja nicht), bei der Jagd zu beobachten, finde ich immer wieder spannend. Sei es in der freien Wildbahn oder in einem Wildpark bei Flugvorführungen. Dabei habe ich mir schon mehrfach [...]
As it is quiet time in Iceland and I currently don’t have a lot to write about volcano activity and earthquake wise. So while that is I am going to put up two pictures that I got of the Eyjafjallajökull … Continue reading
Desde comienzos del curso 2010-2011 el paleontólogo y miembro del equipo de Paleoymás, José Luis Barco, es profesor colaborador de la Universidad de Zaragoza, donde participa en la docencia de asignaturas impartidas en la Facultad de Ciencias [...]
The self-declared seismologists Raffaele Bendani (1893-1979) affirmed in 1923 to have developed a method to foresee precisely earthquakes. Lots of Italian sites have published in the last days such a presumed claim of Bendani that a swarm of [...]
Chinese President Hu Jintao will be in Washington, D.C. for a three-day state visit this week. The heads of state plan to focus almost exclusively on areas that divide China and the US. Some of the topics on the agenda are human rights, foreign [...]