The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
Ricostruzione del Megaraptoridae da Lightning Ridge (by Julius Csotonyi)
Finalmente, dopo una gestazione di più
di 9 mesi, è stato pubblicato uno studio del quale sono tra gli
autori, assieme a Phil Bell, Federico Fanti e Elisabeth Smith [...]
CV S. Domingo (PMMV).doc76.5 KB
Cavers discovered a new room at the back of Grand Canyon Caverns this summer after a 7-year search. They believe it may lead to a larger passageway. Explorers from the Arizona Grotto Association are mapping the find now, and the cavern owners
Our vagabonding trip through the geologically hazardous territories influenced by the Cascadia Subduction Zone was mostly an unrushed affair as we meandered up the Pacific Coast through Northern California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. [...]
Foi publicado um apanhado das descobertas e sistemática de dinossauros carnívoros não-avianos, publicado no PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology sendo um dos estudos que resultam da tese de Christophe Hendrickx (FCT- Univ. Nova de [...]
There is a piece on SLATE (by Laura Moser) about the continued drop in the SAT test scores of U.S high school students. The title of the piece implies that no one knows why, but I think I can make a stab at explaining it. No, it’s not all due [...]
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Over the past few days there have been few minor earthquake swarms taking place in Iceland. None of the earthquake swarms have been large, all of them have been minor and no earthquake did reach the magnitude of … Continue reading
A maioria dos dinossauros carnívoros tinham dentes em forma de faca, serrilhados nas margens, com dentículos em larga medida semelhantes aos de uma faca de cozinha. Os dentes são dos elementos anatómicos mais comuns no registo fóssil porque: [...]