The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
El Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la UZ durante esta cuarentena ha dedicado algunos de nuestros post semanales en redes a un fósil muy especial para nuestro Museo. Hablamos de , una vaca marina fósil con más de 40 millones de años de [...]
When I was active hunting the Waldron Shale for its treasured fossils, one fossil I hoped to find was an intact Bumastus niagarensis (Whitfield, 1879) trilobite. This image is of a mostly intact trilobite (60-70%) and the pygidium on another one. [...]
Yeah, we are going into another little heat wave. We're staying up at the cottage because you have to take advantage of a little warmth. The water is still ice-cold and the fishing is dead. We are going into horsefly and deerfly season.
My [...]
Total US C19 deaths 116,127
Last five daily = [888 846 767 296 395]
Future estimates
123787 +/- 1880 = Jul 1 total (95% confidence)
132728 +/- 1880 = Aug 1
136958 +/- 1880 = Sep 1
Total world C19 deaths [...]
So, the fortnightly chunks in the last post were doing ok, but it’s still a bit clunky. I quickly found that the MCMC method I was using couldn’t really cope with shorter intervals (meaning more R values to estimate). So, after a bit of humming [...]
New ELI today - 'Which sedimentary structures can you make? Making sedimentary structures in the classroom using simple apparatus and materials'.
This ELI is a revision activity, involving investigations into how sedimentary structures are [...]
Koala, Phasscolarctos cinereus, are truly adorable marsupials native to Australia. These cuddly "teddy bears" are not bears at all.Koalas belong to a group of mammals known as marsupials. They have pouches on their bellies where their [...]
all the trees have names,
both family and genus
on small brass plaques at the base of each …
looking once like any other
burlapped ball of roots
when it was lowered to earth
those decades after the war. (1)
Tree-following sometimes becomes a [...]
En los últimos días, hemos visto una explosión de fotografías en redes en las que se cambiaba de sexo a personajes famosos a través de FaceApp. Tanto políticos como artistas han pasado por el filtro de la aplicación, incluyendo [...]
Within the limestone layers of the Green River formation that are exposed in the split fish quarries you will occasionally find some gastropod fossils. The degree of preservation is variable but I have found at least two genera during my trips to [...]