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Welcome to Part II of our Super-Gargantuan Guide! In this edition, we’ll be exploring the world of science books for kids. I attempted to cast my mind back to when I was a child, and also...
Some of Oakland’s busiest places are little visited and little noticed. This set of boulders sits at the intersection of MacArthur and Foothill Boulevards, up by the Eastmont Transit Center. The stuff of these boulders appears to be the [...]
Most people reading this will have driven along a highway recently. But did you ever stop to think about how it stays up? With all the trucks and cars that speed along the average highway every day, it’s a wonder they don’t collapse!
WATCH FOR ROCKS - Travels of a Sharp-Eyed Geologist [2014-12-01 02:10:29]
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I went for a walkabout yesterday, two days after eating my way into a holiday food coma. That spiral cut ham–scalloped potatoes–pecan and cranberry dressing–vegetable medley–cranberry sauce–two pieces of pie–champagne and wine [...]
Into the breach. This earthquake was strongly felt by experienced people, so it may be a thrust.
It has the pattern that I would expect for a thrust - intense and a small area. All in all, the mechanism is growing nicely. I still have no [...]
You need to download an app called mPing. mPing is a free app developed by scientists at the University of Oklahoma (My alma mater!) and the National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma, and it’s aim is to improve forecasts and [...]
Any broadcast meteorologist would know that posting this would set off the chemtrail loonies, and indeed it did. I suspect the NWS forecasters knew what they were getting into , but should we let a bunch of silly conspiracy believers keep us [...]
Several recently published studies deal with paleoseismology and related fields, especially tsunamis and archaeoseismology. Do you feel some important papers are missing? Contact us and tell us! Livio, F. A., Berlusconi, A., Zerboni, A., Trombino, [...]
I’ve spent much of my weekend writing about Jurassic World. I won’t rehash the details here – you
Gli Stati Uniti orientali sono caratterizzati da una sismicità intensa e famosa (in particolare la California) e gli sciami sismici sono all'ordine del giorno. Una cosa strana è che in questi giorni si sta verificando uno sciame “alla [...]