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It's Friday, you weren't going to do any work today anyway, were you? I had some problems with my system for tracking articles and headlines to post to GeoPrac, so this is me cleaning house so to speak as I am just about done with the repairs. [...]
The other day I was shamelessly self-googling Zhuchengtyrannus to keep an eye on how it was spreading through the web. I’ve been surprised at the longevity the story has had and the fact that (admittedly increasingly short and obscure) reports [...]
The two terms of the title are often used somewhat interchangeably (and I’ve been guilty of that myself in the past) but in fact they have rather different meanings, despite their close relationship. Here is a series of fossilised crocodile [...]
One of the earliest minerals formed in the solar system has been discovered in the “Cracked Egg” meteorite of northwest
A rumour is circulating in Rome that a large earthquake will strike the city in the next few days. This post seeks to debunk the urban myth that is responsible for the
The Mississippi River was rising quickly in Vicksburg, Mississippi, when NASA captured this image on May 10, 2011. The river was at 52.68 feet at 11:00 a.m., close to the time the image was taken. The image was obtained using a combination of [...]
In April, despite the high winds, I was fortunate enough to spend a couple of days with the local landowners exploring parcels in the expansion area of Petrified Forest National Park. These sites are a continuation of the area in the park locally [...]
WATCH FOR ROCKS - Travels of a Sharp-Eyed Geologist [2011-05-14 05:10:23]
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(893 visits)
The 2011 Yellowstone adventure has officially launched. My Subaru was stuffed to the gills. I’ve got an additional car-top carrier crammed with every possible future survival essential that MY TRAVEL AGENT could manage to cram in plus a bicycle on [...]
I am not sure how I got roped in on this one. I said yes in a fit of weakness. Here is how those to whom I said OK advertize this act: InfoMine is hosting a discussion in its Facebook Discussion area and will focus on Mine Closure Best [...]
For some time now I have wanted to feature the Paleo Art found in the Grand Valley of Western Colorado, the City of Fruita particularly. This area of Colorado has a high concentration of artist and you can see the geology and paleontology of our [...]