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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Geoblogosphere weekly review (2th week of 2016, 905 weeks ago)
Most active blogs:
- Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden (28 posts)
- Gunnars Geo-Blog (9 posts)
- Ontario-geofish (7 posts)
- JOIDES Resolution blogs (6 posts)
- Louisville Area Fossils (5 posts)
- State of the Planet (5 posts)
- Koprolitos (5 posts)
- Geotripper (4 posts)
- Palaeoblog (4 posts)
- Wooster Geologists (4 posts)
Most visited blogs:
- Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden (3977 visits)
- Gunnars Geo-Blog (3549 visits)
- Geotripper (2054 visits)
- JOIDES Resolution blogs (1735 visits)
- Explorock (1661 visits)
- Ontario-geofish (1446 visits)
- Louisville Area Fossils (1064 visits)
- State of the Planet (1039 visits)
- Geology in the West Country (986 visits)
- Looking for Detachment (886 visits)
Top keywords:
- time (7)
- Earth (6)
- 2016 17 (5)
- Jan. (4)
- rocks (4)
- Dreams (4)
- USA. The fossil (4)
- 17 30 (4)
- climate (3)
- post (3)
Top places:
- United States (8)
- Egu (4)
- United Kingdom (4)
- Virginia (4)
- Los Angeles (3)
- China (3)
- Dublin (3)
- Vienna (3)
- Oklahoma (3)
- Indiana (3)
Top stratigraphy:
- Carboniferous (5)
- Ordovician (2)
- Cretaceous (2)
- Devonian (2)
- Triassic (1)
- Permian (1)
- Jurassic (1)
- Cambrian (1)
The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
El blog se ha trasladado a www.explorock.comArchivado en:
I've gathered up a collection of rocks to see which ones will float and which ones will sink. All but one of these are glassy volcanic rocks from Glass Mountain in northeastern California. The ones from Glass Mountain are all rhyolitic.
This test [...]
In the last post, I noted that there is a lot more to the Colorado Plateau than the Grand Canyon. The Canyon (it just has to be capitalized) is more than 200 miles long, but it cuts through just a part of the Colorado Plateau Province, a vast region [...]
No one place on Earth can ever tell the whole story of the Earth. But there are lots of places that tell part of the story. That's the fact that makes geology one of the most fascinating sciences there is. It's an incredible detective story that [...]
For this week’s Monday Geology Picture, here’s a close-up of an ammonite fossil. This particular ammonite fossil was a wedding gift and decorates our living room… along with quite a few other rocks! Apologies for the lack of scale [...]
Welcome to 2016, our International Year of Earth Science Educator stories. The stories of those who influence Earth Science education locally and across the world will appear every Thursday on the IGEO (International Geoscience Education [...]
WATCH FOR ROCKS - Travels of a Sharp-Eyed Geologist [2016-01-08 02:21:28]
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(811 visits)
Gray clouds linger in the sky like battered marshmallows as we motor our way through river mile 60 on the Colorado River. My feet are soggy raisins inside my wet neoprene booties and rubber river shoes. My nose drips like a sunburnt popsicle in [...]
Jiansong Zhang, our Chinese reporter, gives a new vision of these 'dry' olivine-gabbro!!! let's see
What do you see ?
Answer in the next episode :)