The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
Back in the very early days of this blog, one of the great and rewarding pieces of serendipity was getting to know Larry Deemer, sand aficionado and photographer extraordinaire. I first published a selection of his stunning images back
As part of the progressive erosion of RCUK’s initially excellent open-access policy, barrier-based publishers somehow got them to accept their “open-access decision tree“, which you can now find on page 7 of the toothless current [...]
While looking through Don Henderson’ personal collection, I stumbled across this picture of my (and indeed Don’s) PhD supervisor, Mike Benton. It’s from a book of Mike’s (On the trail of the dinosaurs) from 1985 and shows him [...]
Nuestro aragosaurero, Juan Rofes (UPV-EHU), ha colaborado en un trabajo liderado por la Dra. Blanca Martínez García (UPV-EHU), que acaba de publicarse en la prestigiosa revista “Journal of Sea Research”. El artículo trata sobre la [...]
As you might have already guessed, the Tyrrell is not short of tyrannosaurs and this blog is going to be heaving with them by the end. I mean, this is the second post and I’m still on all the life reconstructions! (and no, we’ve not got [...]
Five years ago today the Wenchuan earthquake struck in China. This post reports on a new paper that reflects on what we have learnt from this
Reblogged from TexTheLaw: On the 15th of May 2013, President Goodluck Jonathan declared a State of Emergency in 3 states in the northern region of Nigeria. Apart from the debate on the propriety or otherwise of the declaration (or “proclamation” [...]
The Earth Institute is pleased to welcome National Grid into the Corporate Circle, a collective partnership of leading corporations from across the globe committed to pursuing sustainable development objectives. Through a generous gift, National [...]
Hoera! Proficiat! We hebben het gehaald, de 400 ppmv! Op 9 mei 2013 registreerde de NOAA 400,03 ppmv als daggemiddelde atmosferische koolzuurgasconcentratie op het Mauna Loa Observatory op de hoogste top van het Hawaïaanse Big Island. Of was [...]