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Innalilahi wainnailaihi roji’un Telah berpulang ke rahmatullah Suami/Bapak/YangPa kami tercinta Bpk *Ir. Rovicky Dwi Putrohari M.Sc* pada umur 56 Tahun (Lahir 12 Maret 1963) di RSPI Pondok Indah, Jakarta, Hari Senin 4 Maret 2019, pukul 2:05 dini [...]
The Sierra Nevada and Cascades are buried under record amounts of snow right now, but that's not the only "snow" falling in the state just now. More than a million acres of the state are covered in a blizzard of flower petals from blooming [...]
Just back from a weekend in Huntsville. About 5 feet of snow on the ground.
The atmospheric plumes are dull and listless today. You can see that the Arctic is really churned up by past plumes. It's only -20 up there. Without a plume, [...]
After tramping all over Oakland, I still find its landscape full of uncertainty and mystery. The alluring hills of King Estate Open Space Park have brought me here time and again, sometimes to lead walks, sometimes to just stop and smell the [...]
As noted in the last post, Matt and I are off to spend a week at the Carnegie Museum from 11th-15th March. We expect to see many, many fascinating specimens there: far more than we’ll be able to do proper work on in the five days we have. So our [...]
I was predicting this last fall, but the mini El Nino got me. Good thing I never put my money where my mouth is. The point is that there is no storage and once US north-east natgas drains the bin, then we'll see a record zoom for the price.
For [...]
This month’s open thread on climate science
The idea is to charge more for driving on the most congested streets in the city and direct those funds to making mass transit more efficient and perhaps even pleasant. This will allow traffic to move faster and will provide desperately needed [...]
Die Aktivität am Piton de la Fournaise hat sich gestern etwas gesteigert. Es öffneten sich weitere kleine Förderschlot in einer Verlängerung der aktiven Spalte und es fließen nun 3 Lavaströme bergab. Der Tremor stieg in den letzten Tagen [...]
Nelvana of the northern lights
Los artistas Adrian Dingle y André y René Kulbach probaron suerte impulsando la editora Hillborough, en cuya Triumph-Adventure comics #1 (1941), Dingle presenta a la heroína más popular del cómic canadiense, [...]