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ReferenceThis is a nice read, and quite reasonable. Being a university, Yale must avoid controversy, but it shows the 'game' of records is complicated. This summer, there is the tiniest patch of Europe that is getting 10 times the coverage of [...]
These guys do the charts right. I hope they get money. However, this is all geophysics, and we know how that plays in Peoria. Just like me, it is best to be completely ignored. Poor old Electroverse is always under attack from the
One of the nice things about the RSS charts is that you can look at sections of the Earth. I like showing charts because the fanatics can take one look, and say how the temps are rising. The tropics chart is one to look at because any recovery [...]
This is why North America is not in the warmie hot news. We are getting micro heatwaves and then the cool air sweeps down from the Arctic. Paradise!Europe is in a giant swirly mess. No
The Paris Biota decapod (Arthropoda) fauna and the diversity of Triassic decapodsAbstractWe describe here the early Spathian (Early Triassic) Paris Biota decapod fauna from the western USA basin. This fauna contains two taxa of Aegeridae [...]
Qikiqtania wakei, a fishapod & relative to tetrapodsYou will likely recall the amazing tetrapodomorpha fossil found on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic in 2004, Tiktaalik roseae. These were advanced forms transitional between fish and [...]
Don't let the heat, or the size of the climate problem, paralyze you. There are cool solution paths cutting climate risk down the block or around the
La fauna mesozoica siempre fue un gran recurso para la prensa satírica y humorística española, aunque en la entrega del 20 de octubre de 1883 del “sablazo decenal en serio y en broma” El Canfali (Benidorm) el artículo “La Tierra” de [...]
In her new book, Columbia Climate School Lecturer Lisa Dale provides key strategies at local and global
It's important to clarify what a "climate emergency" means and then pursue