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Biosfera (XI) de 29 Jan 2013 – RTP Play – RTP O blogue Mesozóico foi referenciado no programa das RTP2, Biosfera, sobre “os novos desafios do planeta”. Finalmente o nosso trabalho começa a ser reconhecido. Um agradecimento [...]
Small earthquake M2.3 near Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Wales on February 7, 2013. Just on our limit of detectability at Keele, England about 100 miles away. More details from the
New York's famous transportation icon, Grand Central Station (more properly Grand Central Terminal) celebrated the 100th anniversary of it's opening on February 2, 2013. This rail terminal is more than just a means of travelling from point A [...]
These pictures show a fossil of calcareous green algae (chlorophytes) from the Ordovician Period. They are called Fisherites sp. of the order Dasyclads and family Receptaculites. The fossil was found in the Galena Formation of Minnesota. [...]
A new exhibit, 'Crystalline Treasures: The Mineral Heritage of China' opens at the University of Arizona's Mineral Museum on February 8. The museum is part of the Flandrau Science Center.
Flandrau hours of operation:
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. [...]
I picked up my Apps page, which I sort of abandoned a while back.. If you have any great app to recommend, I’d love to hear about it so please
Recientemente ha salido un nuevo artículo de revisión. Y en este caso, ¡una vez más D’Emic! En la publicación, D’Emic presenta una propuesta de revisión para los sauropodos del Grupo Trinity, del Cretácico Inferior de los Estados [...]
Fachgruppe Mineralogie & Geologie Dresden [2013-02-03 14:59:08]
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(800 visits)
Die Kiesgrube liegt im Bereich der so genannten tertiären bis frühpleistozänen Elbläufe nördlich von Dresden. Der alte Elblauf tangiert ca. 20km südlich bei Ottendorf-Okrilla den Senftenberger
On 2 Februar, a magnitude 4.5 earthquake occurred in shallow depth (~2-7 km) directly at the border between Austria and Slovenia. USGS reports an oblique-slip focal mechanism and a magnitude of Mw4.0 only. According to the Austrian Zentralanstalt [...]
De stoppen sloegen even door in Groningen. De aardbevingsapocalyps leek onvermijdelijk. De dijken zouden in elkaar zakken en een gigantisch gebied in Noord-Nederland zou onder water komen te staan. Zowel minister van Economische Zaken Henk Kamp als [...]