The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
Amazing. Toronto is in a balance between a cold air blob, and Pacific plumes. This is giving us dry, cool air. Looks like the US northeast is still using natgas to keep warm. This is a cool drought for us, and I have my soaker hoses on [...]
Patagonia has yielded the most comprehensive fossil record of Cretaceous theropods from Gondwana, including Megaraptora, a clade of medium-sized and highly pneumatized theropods characterized by their elongate skulls, and the formidable development [...]
I'm expecting a tiny dip due to warmth.However, I expect fracking rigs to zoom up. Invest in fracking sand. :) The mountains are clear now for fracking. They can't work when it's freezing. Soon, giant trucks full of frack water are going [...]
They can have it. You can see the cold blob being shoved away from Toronto. I'm usually in a snit with Europe because of the great support for climate change group-think, and buying ruskie stuff just because they don't want to freeze to [...]
Hodari Nundu es un ilustrador, caricaturista y escritor de Guadalajara (México). En sus trabajos predominan los dinosaurios y otras criaturas prehistóricas, y sin dejar de lado el realismo, en ocasiones suele introducir elementos actuales junto [...]
Written by Celeste Castro, Animal Care Supervisor We are saddened to announce the passing of our beloved iguana and Cockrell Butterfly Center resident, Charro. He died peacefully in his sleep on 5/6/2022 just 2 days after celebrating his 23rd [...]
Andrew H. Amyx nei panni di Bozo. A parte il nome, non abbiamo nulla in comune. Non è mia abitudine usare questo blog per raccontare episodi della mia vita privata, se non nei casi in cui siano episodi paleontologicamente rilevanti per il lettore, [...]
Sorry for delay posting this month, but we’ve been considering how (or if) to go forward with open threads and comments. Looking at the multitude of constructive comments on the “End of blog comments” thread, it’s clear that many people [...]
The award recognizes her pioneering work in modeling the impact of climate change on food production
For the first time, scientists have mapped in detail water locked in a deep basin far under the Antarctic ice. The discovery could have implications for how the continent reacts to, or even contributes to, climate