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When I say “ignored,” it’s not that I pretend that this humble blog has any influence whatsoever on the policies of governments, it simply reflects the fact that the considered and rational voices of scientists who know what they
Outcrop - The Blog of the Avon RIGS Group [2012-11-04 21:02:00]
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John Toller was joined by a very small group from WEGA to clean up the RIG site at Itchington which the group had agreed to maintain. The site demonstrates a small but excellent exposure of the "Bristol Time Gap". This shows the angular unconformity [...]
I just made my 200th forum post on the Radioactivity in Fossils thread. It wasn’t a very serious one, but it did, however, mark
CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA–Matt Peppers (’13), a member of the intrepid Team Utah, presented his poster today at the 2012 Geological Society of America annual meeting. Matt is working on the dynamics of the volcanic flows in the Black [...]
This is a great video showing the application of ground freezing to deep excavations in unstable soil and high groundwater table. It’s also a nice overview of the reason the Hetch Hetchy project was undertaken, to replace aging San [...]
Netzwerk für geowissenschaftliche Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [2012-11-04 14:09:47]
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Der von der BGR in Zusammenarbeit mit dem paraguayischen Umweltministerium entwickelte Grundwasser-Comic „Aventuras de Ytyky“ (Die Abenteuer des kleinen Wassertropfens) ist jetzt auch online in französischer, arabischer, russischer und [...]
Questa non l'avrei mai prevista. Va oltre le più estreme speculazioni che avevo elaborato.
Last week I visited Palliser Bay in the Wairarapa. Along the coastline there are many exposures of mudstone from the Hurupi Formation, about 11 to 8 million years old. These mudstones contain abundant marine shell fossils, but are also known for [...]
Caption: A new model of flood waters from melting of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and
large glacial lakes along its edge that covered much of North America
from the Arctic south to New
England over 13,000 years ago, shows the meltwater flowed [...]
Oceanographer Jim Thomson was surprised when The New York Times accepted his pitch to blog for the newspaper from a research cruise. Next thing he knew, his writing showed up as a full-blown article in the October 16 Science Times (circulation [...]