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Dos especímenes de dinosaurios parientes de Triceratops fueron hayados en Utah (E.E.U.U). El primero de ellos, Utahceratops gettyi poseía un cuerno grande sobre la nariz y lo asemejaba a un rinoceronte con cabeza desproporcionada. El otro, [...]
The more “popular” this blog becomes, the greater the number of e-mails I receive that extol products and mines and that ask that I write about them on this blog. Maybe popular is not the correct description of this blog—maybe [...]
Lage des Rotschlammlagers
Am 4. Oktober 2010 brach um 12:25 Uhr nahe des im westliche Ungarn gelegenen Ortes Kolontár der Damm eines Deponiebeckens einer Aluminiumhütte und rund 700 000 Kubikmeter ätzender [...]
The trailer for Destroy All Monsters, featuring Gorosaurus (mistakenly called Baragon due to a change in filming plans).
Without a doubt, Godzilla is the most famous giant monster dinosaur around, but among the many supporting monsters that appeared [...]
The image of this failed bauxite tailings dam is very tragic and the pictures of the impact to the local town are very sad. But one thing that struck me about this particular image is how it appears that the failure occurred at the corner of the [...]
That all kinds of insects and their offspring feed and live on corpses was noted already in ancient times. "Stay at distance, you, that possess jaws to gnaw!" is one of the inscriptions in the Egyptian "Book of the Dead", intended to ban the beetle [...]
Approximately one million cubic meters of red toxic sludge was released in Hungary after an aluminum plant’s waste reservoir burst on Monday, October 4th. Three villages near the plant were flooded, leading to four deaths and 120 injuries thus [...]
Muchos de nuestros electores sabrán que la anterior exposición internacional se celebro en Zaragoza (España), lugar que es la sede principal de nuestro grupo Aragosaurus. Lo que no conocéis es que nuestra aragosaurera Gloria Cuenca va a [...]
GeoCommons, a great source for global GIS data, has relaunched its website. The new site boasts a wealth of new features including: a single search box for data and maps, pre-made maps, export to shapefile, KML for Google Earth, and CSV and other [...]
Terry Spurgeon has contributed another field trip to this website. This one visits the distal deposits of the August 6, 2010 Capricorn Creek debris flow, one of the largest observed in Canada’s history. This flow initiated high [...]