The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
Red-shouldered Hawk at entrance to the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
Every so often, I remember what an extraordinary place I live in. It's sometimes easy to forget while dealing with the air pollution, the lingering drought, and the [...]
This picture is of a Pereginella garganica brachiopod fossil at
the Museo di Paleontologia at Sapienza University of Rome Italy.
Creatures like this existed at the time of the Lower Cretaceous Period (Epoch Neocomian). It was found in Maiolica [...]
A revista americana Discover releva, todos os anos, as 100 descobertas científicas mais importantes de cada ano. Em 1997, já tinha colocado os ovos e embriões de dinossauro de Paimogo na lista. Importa salientar que estes 100 lugares refletem [...]
A Paleontologia de dinossauros perdeu um dos seus dóceis gigantes: John "Jack" McIntosh.A notícia é-nos dada por Dan Chure:Daniel Chure6 hrs · Vernal, UT, United States · PASSING OF JACK McINTOSH. It is with deep [...]
Whether your earth science-adoring loved one has been gnaughty or gneiss this year, I've got lots of gifts on this list that they won't take for granite! These gifts were hand-selected with the...
Marta Ferrater from the Universitat de Barcelona did a lot of research on the Alhama de Murcia Fault. Her most recent paper deals with how good we can measure lateral offsets along faults which move only very slowly. This is probably of great [...]
Technology and nature Two things should be interconnected, technology and nature, can cooperate hopes as the rotation cycle of rain; from the source of the vast ocean, water vapor assisted hot sun, forming seed crystals in the clouds rain, and in [...]
El viernes pasado se inauguro la exposición permanente del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Es el museo de nuestra universidad y además el aragosaurero José Ignacio Canudo es su director por lo que estamos [...]
Jim Hansen isn't right about everything these days - this paper has rightly had a rough ride (ignoring the delusional nonsense) and I wait with interest to see what transpires. But on the Paris talks, he's pretty much right. He's worth quoting in [...]
Captain Terry told us things were going to start moving and they sure did; we were five days away from the drill site and tropical cyclone Bohale stood in our way.